Love & Hate [Pt. 2]

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[I blocked his number.]
[But ended up getting another message.]
[I blocked it again.]

[Post-Partum Day 1]

[I felt really ... depressed lately. Like I didn't even want to get out of bed. Henry was at work and basically I'm alone in the house. I called Vincent but he said he was busy. I called my siblings and they said they were busy. I started to feel really lonely, I was thinking of sad things and just made me cry]
[But I guess that sad energy admitted to Amos when he started crying. I went over to his room and picked him up.]

William : What's wrong my love?
Amos : *Cried harder*
William : hm..

[I smelt his diaper and realized he needed to change. I brought him to our bedroom and put a blanket on the bed and laid him there. Since we don't have a changing table as yet since it's still delivering to our house, I wiped him up and powder his butt and groin with baby powder, and his neck. I got baby lotion and rubbed it on his skin, then kissed his tummy. He started laughing and it was so cute.. I got a pretty pj for him and put it on, I put on little socks on him and put a little beanie hat on him.]

[I picked him up and went to the kitchen, I got baby formula and boiled some water. I put the powder and then poured the water. This baby formula was suppose to be breast milk from women but uh.. I don't know about that. Rebecca was kind enough to give me samples of her breast milk in order to help me feed Amos properly. I fed him the powdered milk one and he refused it. I opened the heater fridge and got Rebecca's breast milk and poured it in a different bottle, let it cool down, and he drank it. Something tells me that the powdered milk isn't good. I don't want to keep asking Rebecca for more because she needs it for her own baby, but luckily now Treasure is feeding on baby food, she started teething, Rebecca still had milk so I'm gonna have to ask her again..]

[I called Rebecca as I went upstairs with Amos in my hands drinking the bottle, It was so cute that he was holding it with his hands so it gave me some hand room to call her.]

Rebecca : Omg hey bestie!! Need more milk? Treasure isn't really drinking it anymore so I think I should start giving more to you until Amos stops feeding!

William : Ah-
[As soon as I called her- I didn't even talk yet and she already agreed.]

Rebecca : Will?
William : Uh, Yeah! The fact I was gonna talk about that-
Rebecca : OH! HA, Well I'm sending a whole case of it to you so expect it today!
William : Thank you so much Rebecca. What I realized is that Amos is refusing to drink the powdered milk.
Rebecca : That is saying something..
William : Mhm.
Rebecca : throw it away!
William : I will!
[I went back downstairs and threw all the powder milk away. I heard a knock.]

William : Damn, arrived already?
??? : Delivery!
Rebecca : pfft, the delivery man is a surprise as well!

[I opened the door, I was excited and then my blood run cold.]

Oliver : Ha. Gullible.
Rebecca : Did you see Vincent and Henry??

[I immediately closed the door, my dad pushed through the door.]
William : DAD LEAVE!! LEAVE!!
Rebecca: What's going on?! William!?
[I slipped and fell..held the baby's head with my hand so he won't feel impact. It was hard to hold the door back and he went inside. I got up.]

Oliver : So, lock me outside?
William : .. please.. go away I don't want any trouble just please Dad.. please..
Oliver : I'm not gonna give you any trouble
[He got closer to me and I backed up and tried to grab a knife. He pushed me and I fell on my back.]

Oliver : You really wanna go that far?
William : dad.. i am NOT IN THE MOOD FOR YOU.

[Rebecca was on the phone still.]
Rebecca : I'LL CALL 911! OLIVER, GET OUT!
[He went to my phone which was on the floor and mashed it into pieces by stepping on it.]

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