Marriage Counseling

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[Post Partum : Day 2]

[I was laying in bed, just didn't feel like moving.]

[Henry was sleeping and I was laying there.]
[I got up, went to Amos' crib.]

[Amos was already awake and he looked at me and laughed cutely. He's just.. so adorable. I picked him up and kissed his head and tickled his tummy, he giggled and kicked his legs and moved his arms, I couldn't help but grin, he makes me feel better everyday.]

[Henry woke up and he got up to walk over to me.]

[He went in the baby room where I was and he stayed away from me so he wouldn't touch me.]
Henry : Morning love.
William : hey.

[I didn't.. want anyone to touch me or even stay near me after that incident.. I wouldn't be able to manage.]

Henry : Want me to make you some coffee..?
William : sure..
[He placed his hand on me. I flinched.]
Henry : I'm.. sorry I was about to kiss you, but I forgot.
[I smiled.]
William : not.. right now..
[I saw the grief in his eyes.]

Henry : I feel like I lost you..
William : how..?
Henry : After that sick man raped you, you changed so much.
William : ...
Henry : It's not your fault.
William : I.. know.
Henry : William, it's not your fault.
William : I know.
Henry : It's not your fault.
William : I know that!!
Henry : It's not your fault!
[Tears fell from my eyes. Henry hugged me even when I didn't want to be touched.. but.. this is just what I needed. All I want is just a hug..]

Henry : love, it's not your fault.
William : i'm trying to think that way..
Henry : i been.. looking into the marriage counseling website and I think maybe we should go to this one..
[He showed me, Mr. Hilo-Way]
William : n-no..
Henry : why?
William : I don't feel comfortable with other men except my family right now..
Henry : alright, a woman.
[He searched for a woman.]
Henry : Hm? Mrs. Afton-Charles.
William : Oh, I didn't know Rebecca was a therapist.
Henry : Me either. This would be great though..
William : mhm.

[We booked an appointment. She was in work today so we decided to get ready so we won't be late. We put anonymous names, we thought we did a little surprise for her.]

[At the counselor.]

Rebecca : Okay have a good day Mr and Mrs. Lou!

rebecca pov :

[Okay.. now I have an appointment for.. Wila and Han. Eh, werid ass names but we can get along with them right? I heard the door open from downstairs and went down and greet my clients.]

Rebecca : Hi! I'm so glad you're her-

william pov :

[I was about to laugh when I saw Rebecca.]

William : We thought we surprise you!
Rebecca : But guys, you only book an appointment if you actually have an appointment!!
Henry : We do.. actually.
Rebecca : .. Come upstairs.

[We went upstairs and we sat down in front of her.]

Rebecca : Guys what's going on..?
William : ...
Henry : I'll just get straight to the point. Our relationship is a mess. Ever since William had the baby he just acted different.. I just don't like it.
Rebecca : It's called post-partum depression, Henry.
Henry : What is that..?
Rebecca : Post partum is like pregnancy without the baby in your stomach, you start to feel depressed and like empty.
Henry : oh..
Rebecca : You just feel empty without the baby even though the baby is in your hands, you get what i mean?
Henry : yeah..
William : .. recently wanted to kill myself before and after i got raped.. again.
Rebecca : William, you know if you do kill yourself your immortality-
William : Yes I know, disappear and I won't come back, and that's how I feel.. useless.
Henry : You're not useless, honey.
William : i couldn't even stand up for myself.
Henry : It wasn't your fault.
Rebecca : It was never your fault, William.
Henry : it's just i haven't been.. a good husband and console you in the best way I can.
Rebecca : Why not Henry? Has anything impacted you as well to not meet your goal into being a good husband?

Henry : Work. I'm still pissed that William's boss fired him because he was pregnant. And just devastated that Oliver raped him, everything just stressing me out.

William : ... i allowed him too.
Henry : excuse me..?
Rebecca : ..

William : he was about to kill Amos with a hammer if I didn't go along..

Henry : you still didn't do anything wrong William, good thing this man is in jail.

Rebecca : mm.. and that incident only impacted you two deeply.

Henry : *He nodded.*

Rebecca : What I think, is that you two should focus on eachother. The past is really tough to forget, and will be with your forever but, you need to move on from it and build your relationship and trust with eachother. Henry, I saw you grow into a changed, loving father and husband to William and Amos, and became the bestest godfather to Treasure. William, you overcome your past and didn't let it be apart of you, you did just get raped, at 15 as well, sexually assaulted and you became a brilliant, successful man. Trust me this will blow over and I will see and manage how you guys sprout and blossom to the next level of your marriage.

[Henry hugged Rebecca. I hugged her also.]

Henry : Thank you Reb.
William : thank you..
Rebecca : Anytime, anything else you want to talk about..?
Henry : yeah.. it's about..
William : ?

Our feelings towards eachother..

to be continued.

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