Marriage Counseling Pt 2

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[I looked at him.]

William : What do you mean, love..?
Henry : William. I feel maybe we should take a break from our marriage.

[I was startled. I didn't know how to react.]
William : Are.. are you..
Henry : I'm not divorcing you. But I feel like this is gonna hurt our marriage and make this really really toxic, so we just need some time apart.
William : Henry no.. I..

Henry : William yes.. I feel this is the right thing to do.

William : I don't agree with it!! I don't want a break, you're gonna lose feelings for me!

Henry : William I love you with all my heart! You think I would stop loving you? For God sake we had four children together, we lost three of them but with 2% chance that Amos would of lived during his birth and he is our little blessing, we been together for 20 years, been married for 2 months, our marriage isn't so strong, but i'm still gonna keep my ring, you keep yours but please.. we need time apart.

William : It just feels so wrong. I love you..

Henry : I love you more but you got to understand this situation. I want us to be married. So, I'm gonna stay by my mothers, during the time i'll be paying the house bills and everything for the house, i'm expecting you help as well.

William : Of course but..
[He kissed me.]
Henry : please. i'm not running away, i just need time, please i beg you..
[I saw his eyes were watery, I kissed his lips.]
Henry : You're my husband and my best friend. I could never stop loving you even if it kills me.
[Henry kept kissing me, I smiled, he kissed my forehead.]

Rebecca : I know my daughter is cute, but what I just witness just might of made me cry of happiness and sadness at the same time-

[Rebecca wiped her tears.]

Henry : *sigh.* I hope this break is the good idea..
William : mm..

[Henry was packing his bags to leave to his mother house. I was feeding Amos. He went up to me and kissed me on the lips, then kissed Amos.]

Henry: My dad will stay with you for the meanwhile. At least you can trust that man.

William : mhm.

[We both stared at eachother. I went to the baby room and put Amos down. I went back in our bedroom and Henry immediately grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and kissed me. He tongued me in my mouth and I kissed him back. He lifted my legs up and brought me to bed, he took off my clothes and I started to take off mine. After we did, he spreaded my legs and started to thrust in me. We were kissing until we were out of breath, I was moaning in so much pleasure, I came all over him. He gave me the best orgy and anal sex in my life. He went so fast, he eventually cum in me and repeatedly came, he started to full me up, cum started to come out my throat, it was so much in me, he choked me gently as playful and went harder. Fuck, I had another orgasm, then another and another after. He then took his finger and caressed my dick tip, he slowly took his finger and forcefully pushed one in, I screamed I never felt anyone try that on me. He thrusted his fingers in there and I came immediately. He licked his fingers with all my cum on there.]

[After we finished, he got off me and laid right next to me. We looked at the ceiling just wondering.. what the actual fuck did we do.]

Henry : i—
William : ..
Henry : i.. better.. go..-
[I grabbed his hand and got on top of him. I opened his legs and caressed my dick on his ass.]

William : No Mr. Emily. My turn..~

to be continued

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