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william pov :

[I was sleeping. It was pretty noisy and I was just blocking my ears with the pillows until I got up angry.]

William : What the fuck?
[Amos was crying because the noise woke him up. I rushed to the room.]

William : Baby! I'm here my love, don't cry..
[I picked up Amos and rocked him.]
William : i'm right here my love..
[I kissed his little nose and hummed him a sweet, soft melody.]

William : don't cry anymore my baby..
[Amos cooed as he calmed down. I got earplugs and put it in his ears, it was big enough so the sound won't seep through it and plus its big enough for it to not stuck in his ears.]

[I went to the basement and heard the noise was from Henry's gadgets and machinery.]

William : Henry!!

Henry : Sorry babe, did it wake you up?
William : No shit.
Henry : heh. Sorry.
[He grabbed a bottle with a liquid substance.]
William : What is that, scientist?
Henry : I'll reveal it when I compress it into a little pill.
William : Alright?
[I sat down on the sofa. I was a huge simp and goofball for Henry, he looked.. kinda hot when so focused on his scientific studies and things.]

William : Sexy.
Henry : Hm? Sorry i'm trying to focus, honey.
William : Once you're done compressing that, how about you come and "com"press me~?

Henry : Then i'd have to focus "harder"~

[Scientific flirt talk with your scientist husband is the hottest thing ever. I laughed.]

[He finished and he put the pill in a little bottle and stored it in a locked cabinet, I was curious on what the bottle was.]

[Amos started to cry again.]

William : Babe, can you get Amos' baby bottle?
Henry : Sure!
[Henry got the baby bottle from the heater fridge and cool it down. He then brought it to me and I fed him. Henry sat beside me, he slid his hand under my shirt and put his hand on my stomach.]

Henry : mm..
William : henry?
[He rubbed my stomach.]

Henry : what do you think about having another baby..?
[I blushed.]
William : oh- uh- heh..
[I looked up at him. He looked at me.]

William : is.. the pill you programmed is why you asked me?

Henry : yeah..
William : mm.. i.. i don't know..
Henry : That's why I have been working hard on it, it's suppose to be less painful for you!
William : i.. mm.. it's gonna be a lot to think about.. I mean Amos is a 1 year old and his 2 year old birthday is next week..

Henry : Should we get you pregnant on his birthday?
William: uh.. hold up Henry haven't made up my mind yet.

Henry : Sorry, love.
William : Heh..
[I was pretty uncomfortable with the situation, but having another baby doesn't seem too bad..?]
William : i'll.. i'll think about it, Henry.
Henry : Alright.

[He got up, unlocked the cabinet door and took the pill from the bottle, he went over to the table and put it down.]

Henry : When ever you're ready, just put this in the bathroom.

[I looked at it, he really is a mad scientist-]
[I texted Rebecca about this.]

[A few hours.]

[I got a call from Rebecca.]

Rebecca : Hey bestie!!
William : Hey, what's up?
Rebecca : I got your messages. Is he really doing this again..?
William : yeah.
Rebecca : Hm.. do you agree with this?
William : ... i..
[I was in my bedroom while Henry was asleep by me.]
William : just looking back at the pain and suffering i went through, I don't know.. I would.. d-do.. this is so HARD!

Rebecca : Hey, hey, don't stress yourself, you need to think this straight. Is this really what you want?

William : Well.. Amos' birthday is coming up and.. I was thinking that I did it on his birthday..

Rebecca : Maybe ask him? I don't know, I asked Treasure if she wanted a baby brother or sister, she said yes and I'm currently thinking of getting pregnant just for her, haha-
William : wait- what if we do it at the same time??
Rebecca. : Ohhhh!! Okay!
William : Pfft, i'll think about it.
Rebecca : tell me when you're ready i'll just get Vincent andddd-
William : alright Rebecca I haven't even said yes-
Rebecca : sorry, just wanna do it the same time as my best friend??
William : well you better wait long before their birthday.

[We laughed, talked for a few hours and we said our goodbyes and hanged up.]

[I still.. keep having these.. thoughts again and pulled on my rubberband. I pulled it harder as I kept thinking about this situation. I looked at the pill bottle he left there and looked at the date it expires. It expires the day before Amos' birthday. That gave me more worrying especially when his birthday is in a week.. I put the bottle down and laid on my back, turned off the lights and went to sleep.]

Just Some Lab Test To You? [Helliam] [Mature Audience Helliam]Where stories live. Discover now