Wake Up Pt. 2

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[I questioned Henry, I was shocked and confused.]

William : W-wha..
Henry : I'm kidding! Haha!
[He kissed my hand.]

Henry : hey, don't worry about it. okay?
William : mhm!

[2 weeks later.]

[I was minding my business and washing the dishes in the sink. I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs with speed.]

Henry : William!
William : Yes? Babe?
Henry : We need to give Amos a DNA test!
William : What the hell Henry???
Henry : JUST SAY YES!!
William : but Henry.. we don't need a DNA test for nothing at all.
Henry : The CPS just called me. We have no records of Amos birth or a birth certificate. They are suspecting us so they want a DNA test to see if he's our son.
William : Oh..
Henry : I need you to do it, they are calling me.
William : But babe-
[Henry walked to the second living room and was on the phone with CPS. This was ridiculous and random so I just went upstairs with the DNA test kit to try on Amos.]

[I went to our room and saw Amos playing with his toys.]

William : Hey sweetie!!
Amos : mama! hi!
[He got up and ran to me and hug me.]

William : I'm gonna try something on you okay? Don't be scared it's like a game!
Amos : Okie!!
[I poke a little needle on his skin for a second, and collected a few little drops of his blood, I put a bandage on it.]

Amos : Ow!
William : So sorry baby! It is all better now okay? Want some yogurt?
Amos : Yes Yes Yes!!
[I picked him up and went downstairs. I went to the fridge and got him some yogurt. I did leave the test up stairs on the bed for Henry to see. I sat Amos down and fed him his yogurt, Henry came out of the second living room.]

Henry : Did you do it?
William : In the bedroom.
[He rushed upstairs. He was gonna find out if Amos will be taken away or stay here with us.]

[9 minutes later.]

[Henry came downstairs.]
William : So what is the result?
Henry : ...
William : Henry..?

to be continued

Just Some Lab Test To You? [Helliam] [Mature Audience Helliam]Where stories live. Discover now