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note (april 2020) i am republishing works for old time's sake. i do not, at the current moment, plan on writing more larry fanfiction but i would like to post these for the people who did like my larry fanfiction. i hope everyone still enjoys these, despite them not being the best and not being accurate of my current writing abilities. i truly love you guys and the support i have received on my fanfiction after all of these years. again, i hope you enjoy and thank you for everything <3

CODE RED: One of the hybrid monsters has escaped it's cell. The hybrid is a needy creature who will try to seduce you for it's own needs. If you let your guard down, you will suffer it's wrath. Hybrids will murder you brutally for your blood. Do not let it get to you. If you are to see a hybrid, immediately contact a HPA so they can remove the creature. Do not communicate with this creature. Do not look into its eyes. You have been warned.


The Hybrid Protection Agency has been around for one thousand years. They protect people all over the world from hybrids. Hybrids are vicious half-animal, half-human creatures who kill people brutally. Their goal is to seduce you, get you to fall in love, and then to murder you. Just for their thirst for blood to be quenched. They will give no mercy.

For the thousand years, not one hybrid had escaped. Until now. Their worst hybrid, Harry Styles, has escaped from his cell and is free to roam around Britain. HPA warns people around the world of this hybrid. He is the most dangerous out of all of them. Harry has killed twenty-five people. And HPA agents are certain one of them are his next target.

Louis Tomlinson is the agent that is appointed to this mission, along with his team-mates, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne. All three have been told to get Harry Styles back in his prison cell and to prevent other hybrids from escaping. But, somehow, Harry has opened a cell, allowing the second most dangerous hybrid to escape. With two hybrids on the loose, everything is going into a frenzy at HPA Grounds. Will Harry Styles be put back into his confinements, along with Niall? Or will he succeed in killing his HPA agent?

OPERATION: Get Harry Styles || Larry Stylinson HybridWhere stories live. Discover now