Chapter Two: Flash

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          "Mom?" Louis called through the darkness, his voice quivering in fear. The floorboards creaked as Jay made her way to his room. She already knew what for. Louis had been having reoccuring nightmares every night. Ever since his father's death. He was embarrassed about how afraid of these nightmares he was. Louis would wake up sobbing, and begging for Jay to come.

          Jay opened the door slowly, peeking her head through the crack. Louis was sitting erect in bed, the sheets kicked off of it and onto the floor. There was tear streaks going down his red cheeks. The look of sadness on Jay's face made Louis want to cry more. This stuff was what ten year old kids did, not seventeen year old teens. Especially not teens who were going to take their father's place in HPA. With an agency like HPA, you don't want to be a 'crybaby'. And Louis definitely was one.

          But, these nightmares were terrifying. They were so real and that just made them even more scary. And the content was enough to send shivers down Louis' spine. Jay sat onto the bed and pulled Louis to her chest, stroking his hair comfortingly. She whispered sweet nothings into the dark, heavy air. Louis practically melted into Jay's touch. When she was in mother-mode, Jay was so warm and soft. All Louis wanted to do was be held by his mother. But, he had things he had to do. Like go to work to take care of his mother and half-sisters.

          After Louis' sobs turned into quiet sniffles, Jay asked,"Do you wanna talk about it, Louis?" Which Louis replied to with a curt nod. He took in a deep, shaky breath and started talking. "Well, it was like all the other ones. I could see dad just standing there, looking like he was ready to do something. Like he was ready to fight. Mom, I'm convinced he knew that he was going to die. That makes me upset. Anyways, it started like that. But, then, we were in this strange, eerie room. It was all gross, and I imagine it would smell nasty. There was two chairs and a table. One chairs' back was against the table. And then there was this chair across from it.

          "On the chair was this crazy-looking contraption. It looked like it came from the midevil times. The thing was built of different gears and long, wiry bars that curved a certain way. And there was a leather strap connected to it. I imagine the thing, maybe it was a machine, was used to keep a persons' eyes open. Or maybe it was just to hold a person back. The chair was obviously used for torture. There was, also, leather straps connected to the arms of the chair. I didn't know the significance of the chair. But, then, I was suddenly in the chair propped up against the table and father was in the other chair.

          "This person, tall and buff, walked over and strapped him in. Father spit on him and the person was pissed. So, he smacked father, and when his head turned, part of his eyelid caught on one of the bars. You can only imagine what his eyes looked like after that. He was already in agony and the torture hadn't even started. By the time it did, though, there was a group of six, maybe seven, guys. I couldn't see their faces, but I know they were damn hybrids. They did horrible things to him, mom. He was electricuted and cut and so many other things. It took forever for him to just...die. That Harry person is evil and if I ever get my hands on him, he'll be sorry to even look at father funny," Louis said, finishing off his story with a yell and a fist banged against the matress.


          Ever since that moment, Louis had been waiting for his moment to come. As a level 25 agent, Louis worked on a different floor from the prison floor. So, he had never gotten a change to meet this Harry Styles hybrid. The hybrid who had been proven guilty in killing his father. But, now his chance had come. Because when he opened the door, he was met by Harry. He was sitting on the couch, just like he belonged there, and was watching some news report on the television. Before Harry could even say a thing, or even to awknowldge him, Louis was attacking Harry.

          Louis pinned Harry to the floor, grabbing both of Harry's wrists with a hand, and using his free hand to reach for his knife. The hybrid struggled on the floor and tried to knock Louis off. "No! You don't understand! Let me talk! Give me a chance and let me talk!" Harry yelled, still trying to knock Louis off. But he wasn't budging. He sat firm on Harry's chest and pushed the blade to his knife against Harry's neck. "Why should I give you a chance when you didn't give my father one?!" Louis yelled, pushing the knife harder against the pale skin.

          As a thin line of blood fell down the skin, Harry gulped, causing more blood to gush out. "Please, you don't understand," Harry begged in a rasp. "You really don't! There is more to the story than you know." Louis narrowed his eyes in Harry's direction, catching his glowing, green eyes. The hand around Harry's wrists slackened and Harry pulled free, pushing Louis off of him. Louis got up from the ground to grab some bandages for the bleeding

          When he returned, Louis pushed the bandages into Harry's hands forcefully, glaring at his cheek. "What did you do to me?" Louis demanded, trying not to match Harry's gaze. Harry sighed and said, "Well, I just used my powers to calm you down." Louis lunged at Harry again, yelling bloody murder. "You did what?!" Harry pushed Louis down onto the couch and straddled his lap, keeping him pressed against the couch. "I had to! You were going to kill me without my explanation as to why I'm here!" Harry protested, crawling off of Louis to sit on the floor, next to Louis' legs.

          "Okay, so explain yourself. Why the Hell are you in my flat?" Louis demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

            "Well, I know you think I killed your father. But, I didn't! Well...I did...but, I didn't want to!" Harry said, trying desperately to explain everything to Louis.

             Louis scoffed. "You expect me to believe that? And that does not explain why the fuck you are in my fucking flat!" he yelled, banging his fists on his lap. Harry sighed and rubbed at his temples.

            "Can you please stop yelling?! My ears are sensitive! I am partially cat, you know," Harry muttered, twitching his ears before tucking them into his curly hair. When silence filled the room, Harry smiled and sighed. "Thank you. Now, I am in your flat because I had to tell you something about HPA. But, I forget! I know I had something to tell you and I know that it has to deal with your father's death. I'm just not sure as to what!" Louis raised an irritated eyebrow at Harry.

            "So you expect me to let you stay here until you can tell me whatever the fuck you have forgotten?" Louis asked, raising both eyebrows at Harry. He nodded with a smile, staring up to Louis with innocent eyes, although Louis didn't look into them. "Well, then I need a drink!"

(A/N This better be three pages long or I'll flip a right nut. I swear. I hope you guys like this chapter. A lot happened! Eep! So, from this point on, everything will start picking up and, hopefully, you guys will still be interested. I have everything planned out for this story. I might accidentally make chapters longer than planned, but that's fine! I have some exciting (hopefully) things coming up! <3)

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