Chapter Thirteen: Air Vents

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A/N I cried about four+ times writing this chapter. I have cried a lot before this chapter, too. This book is an emotional roller coaster to write. My God. I even made a video of my reaction to me writing this chapter. If you want to see, just comment down below, and I'll post it for a couple of days, then take it back down.

They ran into the building, closing the door behind them, making sure that the agents couldn't get inside. When the boys had ensured it wouldn't budge, nor show their location, they sat down, trying to catch their breathes. As he did, Louis looked around, as did Liam and Zayn. All the windows were busted and dusty, covered in a thin bag. Little slits of sunlight shined through where the bag didn't completely cover the broken window.

The door was made of a cheap wood, or at least wood that was starting to splinter. The door knob was loose and looked like it was about to fall out, the nails coming completely out of the plates. On one side of the building there was a set of crooked stair-steps, which held broken steps and cracks along the sides .

The building sent chills down their backs, and all of them wanted to get out, but they knew that there was no escape. They had to stay here until the HPA agents left, forgetting about them.

"Okay, so what are we going to do when they do leave, guys?" Niall whispered, looking between the boys curiously. Zayn looked up and worry flooded into his eyes, making Louis furrow his eyebrows.

"Why do you look worried Zayn? I have a plan for this, sweet-cheeks," Louis said, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at Zayn, who rolled his eyes. "When the agents are gone, we can sneak back out and catch a plain to America, or somewhere else. We can get through this together, guys. We're going to make it out of here."

Before anyone could react to what Louis had just said, a voice sounded from behind them. "I don't think so. You're under arrest." All five twisted around, staring at the ten agents behind them, all pointing guns at them. Louis' breath stopped in his throat, and he could hear the other fours' gasps quite clearly.

One of the agents quirked his head, making the other agents start heading towards the boys. They started to panic, not knowing where to go. So, they all scattered, running away from the agents, trying not to get caught or shot by any of them. Liam, luckily, found an air vent, though, calling the other boys over. They made their way through it, crawling into the dust and grime. The agents yelled after them, calling them to get back, threatening their lives.

As they climbed through the air vent, Louis looked behind him, keeping a look out for any agents. When the yells starting getting closer and closer, and the boys started getting slower and slower, Louis became very worried. He tried to push them along, but they weren't moving any faster. As Harry's tail flicked in his face, Louis continued to crawl, turning around to check how safe they were.

"Guys?" Louis said, catching their attentions. "We need to split up. You guys all go somewhere else. I'll deal with the agents. I am the one who messed this all up. I need to be turned in," Louis whispered as they reached a fork in the vents. All four boys turned to look at him like he had grown three heads.

"Louis, no! You're not leaving without me," Zayn protested, and Liam agreed, saying he wasn't letting Louis go on his own. But, Louis wasn't paying attention to what they had to say. Of course he cared that they loved him that much that they would do that for him. But, his eyes were caught on Harry's, which were watering.

"No. You can't leave me, Louis. Please don't leave me," Harry whispered, the words coming out as a whine. Louis' heart clenched at the words, and he wasn't so sure of himself anymore. He was doing this to protect Harry, because even if he didn't want to admit it sometimes, Harry was his life now. He...He...

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