Chapter Five: Mysterious Creature

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          The rest of the day went on like any other day for Louis. The assignment for that day was training. Because Louis was such a high-ranking agent, every obstacle course was an easy one to pass. Louis didn't even break a sweat. But, for Liam and Zayn, every moment was torturous. Keeping up to Louis' standards was harder than anything the boys had ever  experienced. Well, they haven't exactly had to  shoot hybrid-shaped dummies before, but if they had, it would be the hardest thing ever. 

          With each minute that passed, their muscles ached more and more. By the time the day had ended, Liam and Zayn were ready to collapse. But, they perked up when Louis smacked them on the back, along with the offer of alcohol at his place. When they were far from HPA Grounds, Louis muttered, "I also need back-up to deal with that bastard of a hybrid." 


          A glass flew past Harry's head, clipping the side of his ear. He yelped in surprise, and cradled his ear in his hand. Zayn stood at the kitchen island, watching with boredom as Louis yelled and shouted at Harry, who was standing back, visibly shaking in fear. Liam was trying to get Louis to stop throwing things and screaming, because 'it was going to wake the neighbors' and 'there is no proof Harry let the other hybrid out'. When everything became too much to deal with, Zayn pushed away from the counter and over to Louis. With precision, he poked Louis' throat roughly, causing Louis to choke. 

          Louis' hand reached up to wrap around his neck, trying to get his  breathing to even out. "What the fuck did you do?" Louis managed to choke out, still gasping for air. Zayn shrugged and said, "It was something I learned online. Just makes yo' choke for a second." As Louis' throat opened back up, Harry started to walk away, slowly and quietly making his way for the doorway. But, before he could reach it, Louis pointed an accusing finger at him. 

          "Don't you dare move," Louis hissed, causing Harry to freeze, his hand almost touching the handle of the door. Louis stomped over to the hybrid and pushed him against the door. "Why did you let that other hybrid out? I let you stay in my home, let you eat my food, and I didn't even fucking kill you, when obviously I should've! And what do you do in return? Make my job harder than before by letting loose your little friend!" 

          Harry opened his mouth. "He didn't let me free," a voice said, right before Harry could say anything. All four boys twisted around to see the glowing blue eyes shining through the window. Louis felt a wave of calm wash over him. The man standing on his windowpane was a hybrid with shaggy blond hair that almost covered his dark, blue eyes. They had stopped glowing when Louis stepped away from Harry quickly. The hybrid was not very tall, but he was well-built. And his voice, Louis realized, revealed that the man was from Ireland. 

          Everything then clicked. That was the missing hybrid from HPA Grounds. And he just got done saying that Harry wasn't the one who set him free. A billion questions filtered through Louis' mind, making his head spin. Before anything could be asked, Liam questioned, "Then, how did you get out of Hybrid Protection Agency? The place is heavily protected to make sure hybrids do not get out. If Harry didn't free you, then who did? You couldn't of possibly made it out by yourself."

         The man, Niall Louis remembered, chuckled deeply. "Well," he said, hopping down from where he was standing. "I did make it out all by myself. It was quite easy, actually. Jus' used my powers to control the security guards, and, what d'ya know? He drops the key and I opened the door." Liam nodded and turned to look at Louis, who was still trying to keep himself from becoming dizzy. 

          "What do you say, Louis? Should we let him just go or should we take him back to HPA?" Liam asked, ignoring the sound of protest both hybrids made, and the hiss coming from Niall's direction. Louis looked up to the boy with confused eyes. He simply shrugged and walked out of the room, pushing Harry aside to get out the door. The hybrid winced when Louis had touched him, causing Louis to cringe himself. He muttered a quick apology before moving through the door. 

          Zayn shrugged himself and said, "Well, I think that was a yes. Let's just keep him there." He turned around and brushed past Niall, who hissed at the contact. Zayn flicked the light on and took a good look at the hybrid. When he did, Zayn gasped in surprise. He started to back away from the blond-haired boy. Because Zayn knows this boy. He has seen him before. The denim colored eyes, the messy blond hair, and the thin, pink lips. 

          Niall was the boy in his dream.

(Enh, this chapter sucked, so I'm going to use the excuse of this is just a filler chapter. asdfghjkl;......I'm sorry for this update. I still hope you guys like it, though.)

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