Chapter Fourteen: Truth

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"Wha-what? You're a...hybrid?" Louis stuttered out, his breath catching in his throat. His lungs ached in his chest, making his heart pound loudly. He stared up at Mikeal, wondering how this ever passed by him. All of the times Mikeal had come over to his house, invited for dinner. Or the times when his father would come home upset because Mikeal was upset with him. All this time, Louis had been tricked that hybrids were evil. Because, here was Mikeal, his tail flicking back and forth, a wicked grin spread across his face like he was the Cheshire cat.

"Why, yes, Louis. It's pretty obvious, isn't it?" Mikeal asked, gesturing to his ears and tail. By the looks of it, he was a lion hybrid, and it all suddenly made sense to Louis. Lions are dominate cats when they are in the wild. If Mikeal is a lion hybrid, then all this time, all that has been happening is...control. 

"You're the cause of this, aren't you? You just want to be the king of all hybrids, don't you?! Why would you do this to all of those hybrids?! They have never done anything wrong in the first place, have they? You're a fucking liar, Mikeal! I fucking trusted you and you just lied to be!" Louis yelled, standing up from his sitting position. 

Mikeal just smiled at Louis, like his outburst hadn't meant anything at all. Or maybe it had meant something, but it was pleasing to Mikeal. Louis glared at Mikeal, his hands tightening into fists. "You're...You're the cause of all of this, too!" Louis yelled, pointing at Harry, and his watering eyes. "You're the reason why Harry is d-d-" Louis stuttered, not wanting to admit the truth.

"That Harry is dead? Why yes, I guess you could say I did kill him in a way. I did control those people who came in and killed him, yes," Mikeal said nonchalantly, inspecting his nails  for something unknown to Louis. But, Louis could care less what Mikeal was doing. He pulled up his arm, pulling it make so he could make a good swing at Mikeal's head. When he swung in, his fist connected with Mikeal's cheek, sending him flying to the ground. 

He was quick to get back up, though, and he was also quick to pounce at Louis, knocking him to the ground. Before Louis could stop him, Mikeal had already punched him in the face twice, his nose already gushing blood. 

"You killed Harry, Mikeal! You are going to fucking pay, you dick!" Louis screamed, flipping them over so he could straddle Mikeal's chest. He threw a punch, but was stopped when Mikeal had turned on his powers, controlling Louis' motions, making him stop everything he was doing. Mikeal glared at Louis and pushed him back onto the ground, making Louis groan in pain.

"He's not the only one I killed you know!" Mikeal yelled, punching Louis again. Louis yelped in surprise, but then was gasping for air when Mikeal wrapped his hands around Louis' throat. Louis looked up to Mikeal with surprise filling his eyes. "Louis, you're so stupid. How could you think, even after you knew about the hybrids, that Harry still killed your father? Please, Harry is a fucking kitten, he couldn't hurt a fucking measly fly. I killed your father, Louis!" Mikeal yelled, tightening his fists.

Louis looked up at Mikeal with shock filling in his eyes. He dug into Mikeal's hands, trying to pull them away from his throat. His breathing was labored, and he didn't know how much life was in him. Louis wanted to give up, though, because Harry is gone. How could he survive without Harry? 

But, then he remembered the promise he made to himself, and to his father. He was going to avenge his father, whether Mikeal liked it or not. Louis was going to make Mikeal pay for killing  his father. 

Louis fought at the hands, again, taking a deep breath before punching Mikeal square in the throat. Mikeal was sent backwards, gasping for air. Louis took in deep gulps himself, and then stood up, running over to Harry to untie him. Even if Harry was dead, Louis couldn't leave him in this damned room. As he was loosening the last strap, Mikeal grabbed Louis from behind, sending him to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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