Chapter One: Louis

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          When Louis Tomlinson was young, his father wasn't around much. His mother always said he was 'busy'. Louis wasn't sure as to what his father was 'busy' with, but he wasn't going to ask. It was learned from the beginning that Louis was not to ask questions about his father's job. This was taught through smacks across the face and screams. Only during dinner would Louis hear anything related to the job. Most commonly, the words his father would use were 'stupid' and 'dangerous'. But, Louis wasn't sure what was stupid and dangerous.

          At age fourteen, Louis heard a new word. After years of trying and failing to learn more about the job, Louis had stopped caring. But then this word came along. Louis wasn't meant to hear it. His mother and father were talking behind closed doors while Louis was supposed to be asleep. "The damned hybrids tried to get out, again! How stupid do they have to be?" After his father's mini-rant, Louis ran to his room to look up this strange word. 'Hybrids'.

          After extensive research and many sleepless hours, Louis found out more about these hybrids. They were ruthless creatures who were half-animal, half-human. Hybrids are blood-thirsty and will trick humans into falling in love with them. They hypnotize humans with their glowing eyes, usually of colors not known to humans. Hybrids will do anything they can to humans who get in their way.

          Louis learned a lot that tiring night. Hybrids are evil.

          While searching, Louis had found a building run by European businessmen. It was a prison that held hybrids captive. Even the most dangerous hybrids of Britain. Two caught Louis' eye, though. There was two boys who were his age, just a mere fourteen, and they were convicted of twenty murders each. Louis wondered in astonishment how fourteen-year-old boys could possibly kill that many people. Flies got away from the sensitive, kind-hearted Louis all the time.

          It took weeks for Louis to bring up the topic of Hybrid Protection Agency. HPA had to be where Louis' father worked. Where else would hybrids be? But, when mentioned, Louis was sent to his room, being followed by the words of anger his father spoke. Afterwards, Louis was left in the dark when it came to HPA. He decided that hybrids weren't the only evil things. HPA agents are, too.

          Three years later, Louis was suddenly thrown into the spotlight. Everything about HPA became his life. Thousands of forms and badges were given to Louis. Hundreds of orders hammered into his head. He use to wonder what HPA was, and he was told not to worry. Now, HPA is the most important thing in his life. And it's all because his father died in the hands' of a hybrid.

              A certain one that goes by the name Harry Styles.


          "Payne! Malik!" A man called from the doorway, catching both boys' attention. Zayn sighed in relief. They had been sitting for hours now, waiting in the HPA doctor's grounds for testing. When both reached the door, they were led down a long corridor, one that was hidden from the other agents. By the time they reached the end, Liam was leaning on Zayn in mock-drowsiness. This caused a chuckle to erupt from Zayn, earning a heated glare from the doctor.

               The room they entered was full of machinery and different tools. It reminded both boys of something similar to a dungeon of torture. Although, it lacked the shackles hanging from the ceiling. A loud beep made Zayn jump, and he looked around the room, trying to find the source. The room made both boys very jumpy. Luckily, they were guided through there, and into a room that was an eerie white

                  Bright lights blinded both boys. Their hands quickly shot up to shield their eyes. Before they could fully take in the scenery, their hands were held behind them, and a blindfold was placed over their eyes. Liam gasped loudly, and Zayn wasn't sure what was making him do so. In panic, Zayn yelled, "Liam! What's wrong? What's goin' on?"

                   Not a word was spoken before the world around him became fuzzy.


                Louis ran into Mikeal's office, the notice tightly clenched in his hands. Lily went to stop Louis, but he brushed passed her, barging into the room with no regret. When the door slammed open, Mikeal looked up from his desk, and, seeing Louis in a furious state, stood up from his chair. Lily ran in after, grabbing onto Louis' bicep to throw him out. But, before she could, Mikeal waved her off. When she left, Louis slammed the notice onto the desk, making the knick-knacks shake. "What the Hell is this?!" Louis yelled, gesturing wildly at the paper.

                "That would be your current mission, Tomlinson. You are to follow through with it, just like your last one," Mikeal said, turning away from Louis, who slammed his fist on the desk again. "Mikeal, you know, for one, that I do not work with other people. Especially not level 1 agents! Two, you know about my father. You worked with my father for twenty fucking years. This bastard killed my father! Now you expect me to catch him? Do you know how traumatizing that could be?" Louis' loud words ended in a whisper, his voice cracking slightly at the end.

                Mikeal cleared his throat, making Louis look into his eyes with tear-filled ones. "Louis, you need to take this mission. You are my best agent. You're the only one at level 25. Do you wanna know who was the last level 25 was? Your father. For your own honor and your family's, you should take this mission. If you don't, not only are you losing a job, but everything your father worked hard for," Mikeal muttered, placing his hand on Louis' shoulder. "And I'm not asking you to take Harry out for tea and biscuits. All I want you to do is catch him to bring him back into his prison cell. Think of this as revenge."

               With that, Mikeal patted Louis' shoulder and placed the notice back into Louis' awaiting hand. Louis nodded at Mikeal before leaving the office, waving goodbye to Lily, who looked at him with wide, scared eyes. After apologizing a thousand times over, Louis left HPA Grounds and headed to his flat, not expecting a person to be waiting for him.

(A/N So, that's chapter one! I hope this at least hits three pages. If it doesn't, I'll be kind of upset with myself. But, whatever! IDK how long this story will end up being. I already have planned out the whole story, from the beginning-end, but I'm just not sure as to how long that will be. So, sorry if this story ends up short. I'm praying it ends up at least ten chapters. :3)

OPERATION: Get Harry Styles || Larry Stylinson HybridNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ