Character Asks/Answers

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(A/N So, I'm just going to put the author's note now. I really hope you guys are liking the series! So, real quick, I'm just going to say thank you for everything! You guys are so nice! You guys have really brought me up in popularity and I really like that. Ever since this story, my reads/likes have doubled/tripled and more people have been following me. I think that is just so amazing! Thank you guys for everything! Really! Even the silent readers who don't like/comment, you guys are amazing, too! <3 I love you all! Also, I'm not going to update O:GHS until Saturday. I'm going to let this run for two days. Today and tomorrow (April 3rd-4th, 2013) so that everyone gets a chance to enter their questions. So, if you have anymore questions, go ahead and ask them and I'll add them! Okay, I hope you enjoy this! Bye! Love you! If I missed any, please tell me!)

Louis: Hello! How are y'all? So, there was actually some people who wanted to ask us things. And today, we have a bunch of us here to answer the questions! Say hi, guys!

Harry/Liam/Niall/Perrie/Danielle/Zayn: Hi!

Louis: So, let's get this thing started. The first questions come from the lovely MamaLarry. 

To Louis: Are you ever going to give Harry a freaking chance?

Louis: Well, I'm kind of giving him a 'freaking chance' now, love. If I wasn't giving him a chance, he would be dead. And don't give me that look, Liam!

To Harry: What are your intentions for Louis? Also, are you going to remember, or are you lying?

Louis: I would like to know that, too, actually. Please, tell away, Harry!

Harry: Jeez, okay, okay! Well, I'm not sure what you mean by what my intentions are. I'm not going to hurt him. I wouldn't hurt someone who is actually helping me. He has been the nicest HPA agent I have ever seen yet. 

Liam: Aw, Louis' blushing! 

Louis: *hits Liam* Shut up.

Harry: And I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie about something like that. Louis lost his father. I know that there is something going on. 

To Zayn: Do you fancy Niall?

Niall/Zayn: *blushes*

Zayn: *sputters* Of course I don't fancy Niall! I have a wonderful girlfriend here, Perrie. Plus, I'm not into guys. 

To Niall: Are you going to hurt any of my babies? 

Niall: Your babies? How old are you? Are you old enough to have babies? 

Louis: He means any of us, you dork!

Niall: Oh! No, not unless they do something to me first. Or to Harry. 

To Liam: What are your thoughts on Niall?

Liam: Well, I still have my doubts. I  want to trust Niall, I really do. He is a nice guy. Really funny, too. But, I have been trained and raised to not trust hybrids, no matter who they are. It's my first instinct to not like hybrids. I'm still iffy with Harry, too. It's just instinct and I feel bad that it's so sudden. 

Niall: It's fine, mate. We understand. 

To all the boys: Which one of you guys are gay? 

Louis: Not me. I'm perfectly straight.

Harry: I don't like to put a label on my sexuality, but if I have to, I'm bisexual. 

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