Chapter Nine: Midnight Fright

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(Quick A/N: The title of this chapter amuses me and makes me want to stab my eye with a spoon. All awards go to moi.) 

          The rest of the week flew by, and Louis was happy for that. The boys and him had gone out for coffee every time they were supposed to be 'hunting' for Harry. Sure, they could probably do something productive, like try to make Harry remember everything. But, Louis was sure to hate the boy even after the truth, no matter good or bad. So, Liam and Zayn kept it to themselves when Louis mentioned going out. 

          By the time Saturday came around, Louis was noticing Harry a lot less. He had stayed out of his hair and did other things with his time. Louis was very, very happy with the arrangement. He wasn't yelling at anyone anymore. In fact, the only times he ever really talked to Harry was to either tease him, which was all in good fun, or to ask what Harry wanted for his meals. Even then, Harry stayed away. Most of the time, Harry would catch something to eat, even though it made Louis disgusted and worried (and not for Harry, for his own self).

          But, things don't always go exactly how you want it. Sometimes things could go completely right, but, then, you're suddenly hanging from the last limb. As you try to reach the top, you keep falling downwards, going no where. That's how Louis felt when Sunday had rolled up. 

          The day went on okay. Louis was perfectly okay with the little mistakes Harry did. Louis was trying to be a little more pleasant around Harry. Not only for Harry, but for his neighbors and friends, even Niall. It was necessary for him to do this. Maybe, if he let up a bit, Louis and Harry could become friends. As much of friends as a human and serial killer hybrid could. 

          It was really little things, really. Like, Harry broke one of the dishes while he was washing them. Louis could understand that. He always broke something while doing housework. And he was appreciative of the fact that Harry actually was trying to wash the heap of dirty dishes. Louis was happy he got to them before the bugs did. 

          Then, at some point in the day, Harry spilled some red juice on the carpet. That was understandable, too. There was multiple stains on the carpets, they were just hidden by furniture and tricks of the light. So, when Harry couldn't get out a little dime size amount of the juice out, Louis wasn't the least bit mad. No, he was really letting up.

          Of course this rose a lot of suspicion. Harry was very careful around Louis. Was this like the dog's last hot meal before it's put down? Is Louis only being nice to Harry so he can get his guard down and kill him? Most likely not, but Harry was still wary of everything. He made sure not to step anywhere to common, like the middle of hallway. For some reason, Harry found an attraction to that little area, so, it would only make sense that if Louis was trying to kill him, he would capture him while Harry was in that spot. 

          But, when the positive atmosphere stayed that way, Harry left his worries way back in the closet. Until dinner came along. It was perfectly okay. Harry was going to eat some regular, human food with Louis. It was going fine. He hadn't done anything wrong while preparing the meal or serving the meal or even eating it. But, Harry's luck ran out quickly when cleaning up came around. 

          He had gathered up all the plates, bowls, cups, and utensils. While going into the kitchen, the door knob must've caught on Harry's shirt or something. Because, instead of walking into the kitchen, he fell. Hard. All the dishes in his hands and arms went flying through the air. Before Harry could even cry out in pain, everything fell onto the floor, shattering into almost minuscule pieces of glass. Harry wasn't as scared as he was yesterday of breaking something, but Harry was still very scared. He didn't break one or two dishes. This was six dishes. Six, brand new, expensive dishes. And, God, was Harry scared of Louis' reaction. 

OPERATION: Get Harry Styles || Larry Stylinson HybridTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang