Chapter One❤︎︎

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"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Kids shouted from the courtyard in the back of the school. Bruce ran over to see what was happening, two boys were fighting from his class, Vance Hopper and Markus Thomson. "We'll come at me, you weak little bitch!" Markus shouted. Vance charged at him and punched him straight in the jaw! He started punching the shit out of him, "DON'T CALL ME A WEAK LITTLE BITCH!!" Vance yelled in his face as he got off of the kid and kicked him in the head, he passed out as Vance walked away from him, the crowd moved out the way as he grabbed his book bag and walked to the restroom. Bruce followed him. Vance walked to into the restroom and went over to the sink to wash his hands. "I know you're there." Vance said without even turning his head, he shut off the sink. "Come out now." Vance said. Bruce left his hiding spot from behind the bathroom wall. "Who the fuck are you?" Vance asked. "I'm Bruce and I wanted to asked a question.." Bruce replied. "What?" Vance asked once again. "Well, I need your help..." Bruce said looking down. "You need my help? I don't even fucking know you." Vance said back. "Yes, I know but, it's important." Bruce responded. "Fine, what do you want?" Vance said as he put his hands in his pockets and glared at Bruce. "Well, I was wondering if you could be my pretend boyfriend..." Bruce said, still looking down at his feet. Vance was a bit surprised by Bruce's request but he agreed. "Okay, Fine." Vance replied. "Wait, really?! I thought you would have said no..." Bruce said, relieved. "Well, I said yes, so what exactly do you mean by pretend boyfriend?" Vance said as he stepped closer to Bruce. "Just normal couple stuff, like, holding hands and walking home together and-" Bruce said as he got cut off by Vance. "And kissing?" Vance said, cutting Bruce off. "What?! No! You don't have to kiss me!" Bruce said, totally flustered. "I'm just kidding, know let's go, sweetheart~" Vance said as he grabbed Bruce's hand. "Hey! Don't call me sweetheart!" Bruce replied, turning bright red. "Alright, I'll stop." Vance said as he laughed. They started walking outside and talked while heading out the building, they never thought they could have so much in common.
398 words

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