Chapter Six❤︎︎

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The bullies turned around to see Vance Hopper  towering over them, glaring. "Did you just say boyfriend...?" One of the boys asked anxiously. "Yeah, I am, if you don't want me to fucking kill you, you should suggest not picking on him. Vance said, staring into their souls. "Yes, of course! Well stop! Promise!" The other boy replied. "Then get the fuck away from us." Vance said as the boys ran off like scared little sheep. Bruce ran up to Vance and hugged him tight. "Thank you, Vance!" Bruce said. Vance hugged him back. "No problem, sweetheart." Vance replied. Bruce laughed and sat down. "Come sit down with me." Bruce said as he smiled at Vance. He sat down and they talked till lunch was over. As the bell rung, they had to go there separate ways once again. Bruce walked his classes and Vance walked to his. Finally, it was time to go home, they walked home together as usual, talking about whatever, until Bruce brought up a question. "Hey, Vance, can I ask you something?" Bruce asked. "Yeah, sure." Vance replied. "Why did you agree to be my pretend boyfriend before even knowing why?" Bruce asked. "You said it was important and I wanted to help." Vance said back. "But you didn't even know who I was, why would you wanna help me?" Bruce responded. "I don't know why, I just did." Vance replied. "Oh, well okay." Bruce said quietly. "You know, I was pretty surprised when you asked me to me you're fake boyfriend, for a second I thought you were gonna actually ask me to date you!" Vance said as he laughed. "Oh yeah...haha..." Bruce replied, he seemed hurt by what Vance said. "Hey, you good?" Vance asked. "Yeah! I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting you to say that." Bruce replied with a small smile. "Wait, do me? Like, in love with me?!" Vance asked. "What?! No! Of course not! I just-" Bruce tried to explain himself but Vance cut him off. "Yes you are! You're in love with me!" Vance shouted. "No! I swear!" Bruce said. "What the fuck?! You said PRETEND BOYFRIEND! Not real, we are not dating and I do not like you!" Vance shouted. Bruce just stood there, he didn't know what to do or say. "Sorry." Bruce said quietly, trying to hold back tears. The truth is Bruce really did like Vance...why?
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