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MC pov:

the 7am alarm clock rings again from my bedside table, snoozed who knows how many times, The constant buzz of nerves erupts in my stomach for the third time this morning, get a grip mc.. It can't be that bad..

I've moved plenty of times before and moving schools is never too much of a struggle for me, but somehow this time it feels a off.. This city is big, very big and so is the school. I think its called the royal academy of...something with a D, Apparently I can just call it RAD. A bit of a strange name, but that's the least of my problems.

It's always a bit scary going into a whole new place with a whole new batch of new people, but strangely enough I'm way more nervous than I usually am.

I toss and turn in my blankets while burying my face into my pillows, I groan into my sheets, completely frustrated.

why do I have to have so many damn butterflies in my stomach..

A couple minutes later I hear a soft knock from my room door. the door slowly creaks open and i hear the voice of my driver as he opens my door.

"mc? we cannot afford for you to be late on your first day at your new school, its very disrespectful. I suggest you get ready, ill ask for the maid to get breakfast, be down in 20, understood?"

"yeah, ill be there"

I roll out of my covers and swiftly make it to my bathroom, I freshen up as best I can, if I'm gonna show up might as well do is properly, no?

the uniform is quite formal, a white collared shirt, a very dark maroon blazer, lined with black, plus a matching tie, a black belt and a black skirt/trousers (whatever you prefer)

I tighten my tie, and place my blazer over my shoulders and spray on some perfume. I step Infront of the mirror and fix any loose ends, brush my hair out and grab my bag, there's nothing actually in it except my lunch money but I have to look normal, I also take my bottle and my coat piling them all up in my arms, i head downstairs to see my maid wating for me.

I hurriedly down my breakfast and race to the door, once I'm settled in the soft, leather back seat of my car I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"aaahh , rush am i right?" i mumble to no one in particular

"you're already running late mc" my driver huffs impatiently

"rude" i retort back

as soon as the car starts moving, the rush of nerves hit me once again, i have a bad feeling about this...


ive never written a fanfic ever in my life so if it sounds cringe i apologise. but yeah there ya go, chapter one woo, i did it!

any constructive criticism is accepted, please i need advice how do i do this. anyways id love to know what you think <33 thanks!!

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