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Third person pov:

The rest of the lesson seems to speed by, some of mcs worried kept at bay for the time being.

They can't help but think being a new student shouldn't be as difficult as its turning out to be, even though theyre no longer technically "new".
Same classes over.. And over.. And over again..

MC almost slips into a daydream when they're bought back to reality with an aggressive poke to the shoulder.

"MC! if you're going to be lazy and go stroll off to dreamland the deal is OFF."

their head snaps up to see an agitated amodeus, he's clearly taken this stalking thing a bit seriously and looks surprisingly nervous.

"oh.. Sorry"

He sighs and sits down beside mc, leaning his head on their shoulder

"this is going to be so much harder if you dont take it seriously! We need a meeting spot, and a time, and we need all the deets on mammons friends and... Ex girlfriends.. Does he even have ex girlfriends?"

MC shrugs. Mammons love life isn't really their business nor do they want it to be.

"considering is ever growing popularity, until yesterday.. Im guessing he's had his fair share of girls.."

Asmo groans, clearly not satisfied with the vague answer.

"well, only one way to find out.. Why don't you go and talk to him!"

Mcs eyes widen and they pull a face that says "SERIOUSLY?!"

"You've gotta be joking, first how? Also there's no way he's gonna talk to me! Not that I want to have any sort of conversation with him either.."

Asmo puckers his lips
"alright, I'll talk to him"

MC sighs
was it that easy?
Well, there's no time to complain.

Asmo pov :

There has to be a way to get mammon to talk to me.. I haven't told mc but ever since mammon had his rumour issue, hes hardly been talking to me at all..

Mammon is a jerk, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings and he's so super HOT!

so there has to be a way, right?

I felt a presence behind me while i was walking from music to english.. It was sort of creepy. However, when I turned around it was only Satan. Hes such a freak.

"thats super creepy. Are you stalking me or something? Are you secretly in love with me?-"

"don't be absurd. How's mc doing? Is the situation any better?"

Although his tone was completely monotone, as usual. I could tell he was a biit worried about mc. But I'm lazy.

"go ask them yourself, coward. Too scared to go up and talk to them?"
I offered a sweet smile ooh I love being petty..

Satan sighed and shook his head likely in dissapoval and walked off


Finding mammon was becoming harder than I thought and I was getting close to giving up for the day when I noticed a lock of white hair sticking out from behind the council office door.

Hes been spending so much time in there lately, lucifers probably been driven half- correction, fully insane by now.
Though I can understand his reasons, he doesent really have friends anymore.

Lucifers always been his role model and as much as mammons a cocky asshole around other students, when he's with lucifer you could compare him to an angel.

I walk up behind him and..


"AH- what the-"

He startles easily and jumps back, his hair falling mindlessly into his face, as he rubbs it away I can't help but notice small eyebags under his eyes..

Has he not been getting sleep?
I realize it's not my problem and ignore it for the moment.

"haven't you missed talking to asmo?? It's been so loongg mammon!"

He raises his eyebrow in question and then shakes his head.
"ya got it all wrong, I've just been busy. I'm not used to this rumour stuff, I 'avent been avoiding anyone."

He sounds.. Solemn.. Its quite different, slightly worrying, he doesn't sound happy at all...

"oh, well we have alot to catch up on! Come on!!!"

He frowns
"yer a strange one, pinky"

I ignore his insult, clearly my hair is strawberry blonde not PINK!!

Though I would look dashing with pink hair.. Maybe I should try it out.. NO! I'd steal too much spotlight..

We walk down the corridor and I decide this is where detective asmo begins his mission.

"so mammon, who were your old friends.. Those other red flags you hung out with?"

"whyd you wanna know? You ain't tryin' to get with any of em are ya?"
He looks concerned, maybe even a little bit hurt.

"don't be silly! I just want to bully them online for their mistreatment of you.."

He looks even more concerned now. The old mammon would've thought that idea was great..

"well there was maxie, ferne.. Rita.. Alex..?"

"ooh can I have their Instagrams?"

"ya sure? It might make them hate me more..*proceeds to list Instagrams* "

"they won't! Once I'm done with them they'll forget about you!"

"that's not really what i want though-"

"oh hush, I got this"

Coincidentally as soon as I'm finished writing down the names the bell rings.

Stage 2 : processing.

Operation not paying attention to my geography teacher is A GO!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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