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Mc pov :

OH my god...

A vicious buzz stings at the lower area of my stomach suddenly I feel really, really sick..

I push asmos hands off my shoulder and dart off towards the council room, praying to God lucifer will be there.. I need to tell him.

I gasp, shaky breaths escaping my lips and i knock open the council room door. Lucifer calmly sits at his desk, stratching away at his papers. When I walk in his eyes turn towards where I'm standing and he gives me an awkward glance, as if to ask why I'm here.

Then I walk towards his desk and plop myself down on the chair opposite to him and let out a sigh.

when he notices my distress he places his pen to the side and leans forward, confusion plastering across his pale face.
"mc? Is there something wrong?"

I gulp down any knots in my throat and explain thd entire situation as he listens attentively.

"...so that's all... Lucifer, I don't know what to do.."

"do you have any idea who could be spreading the rumours?"

My mouth presses into a thin line, I cant tell lucifer that I think it's mammon.. He's not going to believe me. Mammon's always so obedient and friendly towards lucifer.

"i-..i have no idea.."
I blurt out before giving it another thought

He let's out a sigh and leans back in his arms thinking to himself.
"I don't know mc.. I'll try and tell more people that it's a lie I suppose.. Not much more I can do about it."

"are you sure there's nothing else you could do? Like find the person..?"

Lucifer solemnly shakes his head, placing his hand in his palm. "mc.. I'm sorry.. I have lots of work to do, I wish I could help, really..."

He looks away for a second, debating before turning to me again. "you could... Ask asmo for help? He knows alot about everyone at school so he should be able to track someone down.."

I look down at my hands and nod slowly, embarassed to have to ask for so much help.

A small smile plays on lucifers lips and he lets out a small chuckle, pulling out a letter and scribbling down a note.
"I'll send this down to asmo's reg teacher, he should be able to help"

"thankyou, lucifer.."

He does nothing but nod in reply leaning closer and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "don't be so worried, I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, it's my duty to help you when you need me"

A faint shot of warmth erupts in my chest. My heartbeat quickening for just a second.

The way his fingers brushed my skin.. I can still feel it..

I gtt up and leave the room before saying another word.

beel pov :

i walk along into the courtyard at break with belphie sticking by me as normal, mc nor lucifer seem to be here yet, lucifer did say he had some work so he might be late, but mc? They seemed off in our geo lesson.. they looked upset, they even rushed out without waiting for us when the bell rang.

I think to myself as we walk to our normal spot, taking a seat on the log, belphie sitting next to me.. levi isn't here either..where is everyone? Soon enough levi runs towardsus, blue strands of his hair stuck to his forhead with sweat.

"levi? have you been running" i ask him

"y-yeah..i was..uh..looking for mc, have you heard the rumours?"

oh..those rumours..someone seems to hold a grudge against mc, i don't think they would've done something so cruel..i can't believe that. If no one will listen to mc, i will. I know for a fact mc would never harm anyone.

i find myself staring at the ground, suddenly a bit disgusted.

who would say such bad things about mc?

a sudden tap on my arm knocks me out of my thoughts and i look up to see mc. A smile blooms on my face and i move up to let them sit, i cant help but notice they still look sad..maybe its becuase of the rumours..

belphie, on the other side of mc, seems to shuffle in place before getting up and sitting next to levi, when mc notices they seem to look even more upset..

Oh .

belphie's always found it hard to express his emotions and feelings towards others, but hes specifically avoiding mc, everytime they're even close he avoids their eyes and gets embarassed..

i look down at mc with their head in their hands, zoning out.


their head pops up to look at me and they plaster a smile on their face, i can tell its fake..belphie does it all the time. I shuffle a bit closer, if only to give them some comfort, those rumours must've been seriously draining..they look so sad..

it makes me sad...

"mc..do you want to talk?..somewhere else?"

They face me again, all emotion suddenly gone from their face, making them look just slightly paler. I place my hand on their shoulder and help them up from the log.

"we'll be back in a bit.."

levi gives a swift nod and belphie says nothing, we slowly walk away from them, my arm wrapped around mc's shoulder until we reach an empty room, as soon as we sit down all of the words from mc's mind come pouring out.

"beel..there's rumours..they said i was involved in criminal activity and now its spreading round the whole school, even lucifer can't do anything, i went to him at break and i asked him but he said he couldn't help and asmo and satan were worried too, and what about everyone else? they're gonna hate me..and then everyone will avoid me and what if no one believes m-"

Before they can say anymore i wrap my arms around them, enveloping them in an embrace.. suddenly they go quiet freezing in my arms..im almost about to pull away before they relax, bury their head in my neck and hug me back..

the moment seems to go on forever as i lightly rub their back, when i feel a drop on my shoulder.. i pull away immediately to see them desperately trying to wipe their tears.

i hold onto them, pulling a tissue from my pocket and handing it to them. Eventually the crying stops and i watch them carefully.

"mc..its okay..i believe you."

mc bites their lip and looks away, a light pink flush appearing on their cheeks.

"im sorry for bothering you be-"

i shush them by placing a finger to their lips, "i don't want to hear it, you aren't a bother and there is no need for you to apologise for something you haven't done"

I smile at them, hoping my words bought some sort of comfort to them.

"i know its hard mc, but you've got to trust me. I believe you..levi, belphie...lucifer.. satan, asmo, we all believe you. We know you wouldn't do something like that.."

mc's eyes finally start to glow a bit more and their skin looks less pale as they weakly smile back, filling me with a rush of both happiness and alleviation.

They get up off the table and give me a quick hug before looking at me. "thanks beel..it means alot"

"no problem" i say with my smile growing even wider, proud knowing i was the ones to cheer mc up.


two chapters in a day??? omg.

hope you're enjoying so far :)

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