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Lucifer pov :

Before mcs arrival :

This morning has been unusually stressful, my parents were running late to work so I was forced to take the bus to school, not to mention the overly large crowds of people stuffing themselves into the cabins of the bus. The bus was filled to the brim, students shoving eachother into walls and seats, trying to find some sort of space.

I tried to see myself to the back of the bus so I wasn't completely thrown outside the vehicle, by force, by the very aggressive school students, however my attempts failed and I was completely locked between two younger students, chittering away.. I didn't have time for this nonsense.. The new student was to arrive this morning and I needed to be there, I could not ruin our schools reputation.
Luckily the students were so desperate to get out of the stuffy transport, they basically piled themselves onto the footpaths in chunks, some even managed to trip and fall.

Present moment :

The new student now standing infront of me, a student our age is now my responsibility, I was not expecting to get the role of tour guide, but I suppose I should've expected it.
They seem... nervous.... I would say something more but they don't seem too keen on me just yet.

They sure like to stare..

As our office staff member leaves, mc is left alone with me in the council room, I guess its all up to me now, I havent seen a new student join in a while. Its now my duty to make sure they fit in, and I am surely not about to fail my task.

Mc pov :

I stare at lucifer, his face unmoving, glued to mine..

This is slightly unnerving.. Once he finally decides to present some sort of emotion, he smiles effortlessly, easing himself to his feet, he piles up all the papers stacked on his desk and makes his way towards me.

"alright mc, let's find your classes, shall we? I'll take you to the lockers and tell you the basics of the layout of our campus, it isn't as complicated as it seems, believe me, you'll have it memorised in no time"

He presents a small notebook.. Journal? It has my name labelled on the front, a glossy black cover and the school logo on the front, lucifer opens the page and on the inside is a full week timetable, all my lessons laid out in neat rows, highlighted in different shades for each lesson.

He hands me the book while explaining how I must keep the journal updated when a teacher and all the details I must fill in, inside.

"the timetable of your classes is on here, if you need any info in your classes, it's all in that page, lesson, teacher, room. All of it. However if you ever get lost, one of the senior team should be around to help in most instances"

Lucifer leads me out of the council room and into the familiar halls, I check thd journal and it seems like my first class is a registration period, so not an actual lesson yet.

"room 204"
I mumble to myself

Lucifer seems to hear and replies

"yes, that's your reg room, in fact, students are starting to enter the school site, so I will take you to your room, and I'll introduce you to your teacher, then she will sort the rest out for you, sound good?"

"oh, uh yeah, that sounds good, thanks"

Lucifer leads me up a path of stairs. All the same as the front steps, simple but elegant, what if my shoes ruin it..

"the room system is simple, floor one has rooms 100 to rooms 199, and the same goes with the other floors, they go along in order so it's easy to locate rooms."

-Newbie-  (Obey Me! X G/n Reader~human High-school Au)Where stories live. Discover now