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time skip to a few weeks later

levi pov :

dammit, where are they?! they said they'd be here 5 minutes ago. I hate standing alone infront of the school gates..everyone probably thinks im a loner, well maybe i am but thats beside the point!

mc has literally left me to fend for myself amongst social beings.

The waiting gets tiring and i stand near the edge of the gates, waiting desperately for someone to show up, considering mc forgot the fact im the most antisocial creature on the planet, and standing alone does not help my confidence one bit.

i try and distract myself with my phone, tapping through social media posts and anime clips ive downloaded, popping my headphones in place. Seconds later a hand pats my back and i hurredly take my headphones off to see who it is, startling backwards from the rapidness of it all, an arm grabs mine before i trip over, and i look up to see who it is.

oh, its just lucifer.

i steady myself on my feet, dusting off my blazer and i face lucifer awkwardly smiling, "hey lucifer.."

"hello, levi. Are you perhaps waiting for someone?"

"yeah, mc. they're late though..it's fine they'll be here in a bit"

third person pov :

and as if those words were magic, mc caught levi's eye from behind lucifer and he brightened up immediately.

"oh, there they are. MC!!!!!"

lucifer shook his head chuckling to himself patting levi on the shoulder and walking off. "ill see you guys later"

mc made their way to levi, beaming and carrying alot of...supplies? "hey levi!"

before mc could speak any further levi grabbed their shoulders and started violently shaking them "MC YOU'RE SO LATEANDILOOKEDLIKESUCHALOSER WHERE WERE YOU!?!?!?"

mc's face flashed with surprise and quickly grabbed levi's elbows trying to stand up straight "levi. LEVI! stop shakING ME". Once levi stopped shaking mc, their eyes were wide open, gasping for air and their hair fallen in messy stands over thier face.

"levi...woah..sorry about that. I couldn't find my..uh water bottle this morning"

levi knew mc was lying but smiled anyway, sighing he grabbed mc's big bag of craft supplies and put it over his shoulder "that looks heavy, i'll carry it for you. And no buts."

mc smiled at levi and followed him through the halls to thier lockers. Mc placed their supplies in their locker and walked with levi to his registration class. After waving to levi as he went inside mc walked upstairs to their reg class, hoping to see beel already there. In these last few weeks mc and beel had gotten closer, mc thought of beel as a person they could always go to if they had something on their mind, or something that was bothering them. Levi was a different situation completely, no doubt levi was one of mc's closest friends and levi thought that too, they spent countless hours rambling about nonsense and levi even introduced mc to a new game that he loved to play called ruri tunes. At some point, mc even seemed to drive past levi's house, turns out they didn't live that far from eachother.

Mc entered the reg room and took a seat next to beel, since they had become friends beel suggested mc move next to him instead of having to sit oppsite to him before anyone else took the seat.

Mc and beel casually started talking about lessons and other things of the sort, while the teacher took attendance


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