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Third person pov:

By the time mc arrived at their new school the nervous fizz seemed to bubble down. They no longer had wasps stinging at the walls of their abdomen and were ready to face what was ahead of them.

Mc stopped infront of the gates, and placed a foot out of the car, gazing up at the black metal gates towering between masses of dull green trees, it looked slightly... Intimidating..

The main office was where mc needed to head, guessing there should be a sign somewhere mcs gaze sloshed from side to side in hopes of finding some sort of direction.. Mc finally seemed to give up and turned around to ask their driver..

It seems he has left.
Mc was now alone, infront of ginormous black gates and zero clue as to what to do nor where to go.

Before mc could pull out their phone a finger tapped as mcs shoulder, mc tensed and turned to face the mysterious person slightly feeling cornered..

What if they find out I'm new? What if they decide to ruin my reputation on the first day oh no oh no oh no oh no-

"is everything okay?"

The owner of the voice was young, mc looked up to see a handsome young man, with silky blond hair just slightly folding over his eyes in perfectly shaped bangs, he was wearing the uniform of the school, which happen to so conveniently compliment his emerald green eyes.

Suddenly mc's voice got caught in their throat..

What do i say? Who is he? A student?

He speaks again
"are you lost? It is a big school after all, I least expect you to find your way on your first day"

How does he know?

"u-uhm yeah.. Sorry do you know where the main office is, perhaps?"

"no need to be nervous, come with me, I'll take you there, my name is Satan..pleasure to make your aquaintance.. And you are?"
He extends a hand in my direction

He actually seems quite nice..

"um.. My name is mc, nice to meet you too, thanks for the help" I fake a chuckle and lightly shake his hand and let go as soon as possible.

God this is wierd.. Also who the hell names their kid Satan?

Mc follows Satan around the trees and the gates seem to fall back in their vision, eventually disappearing from sight.

How far are we going? Should I seriously trust this man.. Probably not, his name is literally Satan.

"uhm are you sure we're going the right way...? Sorry if I'm being rude"

Satan responds ,unbothered
"not at all.. I know where I'm going, please don't stress, we will be there in no time" he plasters a prideful smile on his face as mc tries to keep pace with his long strides.

Eventually they make it to a very grand building entrance, the stairs run up the side of the courtyard and the office gates are wide open, gleaming with posh black marble, completely spotless.

Everything about this place seems like royalty..

Satan halts to a stop infront of the main gates
"here we are. The main office, you can go inside and do all your new student paperwork and of that sort. I won't be able to join you unfortunately, being part of the senior student body comes with great responsibilities.. I hope to see you around school, have fun"

He dips his head and offers a charming smile before walking off towards a separate door.

OH shit I'm alone again.. Yknow for a Satan.. He seems quite un-Satan-like..

The gates stare at mc daringly, the silverish black reflects off the walls in a kaleidoscope of glitters along the rows of stairs.. Even walking up them seems forbidden..

Mc slowly enters the main office, fixing their posture and straightening their tie.

A young looking man looks up from his computer and smiles, pointing to a seat next to the front desk.

Mc takes the seat nervously fiddling with the ends of their blazer, as the man takes a seat opposite to mc

Before mc can ask anything the man begins to speak

"good morning! Mc, am I correct? , our new transfer student! It is a pleasure to finally meet you" he shakes mcs hand gently and keeps speaking

"welcome to RAD mc, it's a pleasure having you here, we are positive you'll settle in just fine, it's always a bit scary joining a new school but trust me, all the students here are absolutely wonderful.
However considering you are fairly early and most of the students have not arrived yet, It would be my duty to escort you to one of our student Council members who will be of your aid while you are still settling in, is that okay with you?"

Mc barely takes in what the man is saying, the speed of his voice spins in mcs head and all they manage to say is..
"E-eh? Oh yes.. Sure"

The man doesn't respond and gets up swiftly from his seat, asking mc to follow behind him

Mc is lead through various similar looking halls of lockers and rooms and more lockers and... More rooms. It's endless ,the paths, the doors the maze like Structure is enough to make anyone's head spin..

They soon reach a more dark door, with a gold brand stamped on the handle, it says :

'council room'

I'm guessing this is where all the smart kids hang out.

The door is pushed open by the man and the room is filled with tables and seats, and papers and so many different things..

In a single desk sits a student with black hair, brushed neatly to the side, greyish white streaks born from the ends of his soft locks.
His uniform is perfect, clean, in place and his posture.. Its quite attractive to be fair..

His eyes level up to mcs before they have a chance to walk through the door. His dangerous red irises gleam beneath the rich yellow light of the lamp beside him, his skin pale and fading almost.. He looks tired..

"why hello mc, its an honour to meet you, I am lucifer, deputy head of the student Council, I will be your new guide."

OH it feels good to be back writing in 3rd person, it's much more up my alley, phew chapter 2 done!
Jesus christ thats alot of words..

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