Advocate of Actions (Sub-Chapter 2)

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When Astaroth woke up the next morning, after staying in that dark room King Piamon locked him in, he really expected to be out of there by now, ready to have woken up in his mansion again.

He looked around, the candle that lit the room was nothing but a pile of wax with a small flicker of a flame left, there wasn't must else to look at since the room hadn't changed a bit. He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, trying to fix the feathers that frizzed from sleeping on the floor all night.

The door lock turned, and Astaroth stood quickly and held his head high as if he was perfectly fine with being in this room. Not that he was. A tall imp opened the door, her dark blue eyes pierced the darkness just as he did. She flicked on a light switch from outside of the room, Astaroth was unprepared for the sudden and drastic changes to the room's lighting, "Are you trying to blind me, peasant?" He snapped, rubbing all four of his eyes.

"Sorry, your highness, I'm only here on orders." The Imp rolled her eyes, how dare she? Didn't she know who he was?

"Perhaps your employer is an idiot, I'm Duke Astaroth, You had better treat me with respect, Imp. I am your superior." He said, squinting through his fingers in anger. "Why are you here?"

The Imp stayed quiet as she closed the door with her tail behind her, she walked in with several files and a clipboard. She ignored the duke's insistent throat clearing to get her attention as she messaged someone on her phone.

"I am talking to you." He was growing annoyed. "You are required to answer."

"Cool. Sit down." She said, Astaroth looked behind him about to correct her, and say there are no chairs, but there were. He did as told and sat down on the plain wooden chair that was suddenly in the room.

"Who do you work for? Are you one of Piamon's imps? Which one of his wives do you work for?" He was full of questions, this imp couldn't think she was in charge as she scribbled on her clipboard. He could hear all the scratching that her pen made, it was degrading.

The door opened again, this time a Goetia stepped into the room. She was pretty, her maroon hair was braided around her head and caught in a bun, Astaroth would recognize her red and yellow eyes anywhere.

"Audria, thank Satan for a familiar face." he sighed, at least he knew this face. "I assume this is your imp then?"

"Yes, Astaroth, she works for me. Lord Paimon summed us to the palace after Sier returned home. He wanted me to investigate my husband's wounds and your outburst." She didn't sound at all happy to be here, either out of worry for her married partner or out of pure hatred for the duke. "Care to explain?"

He sat back in his chair, regretting the lights coming on at all. "Sier was asking for it. He ran his mouth so I helped him run it into the ground," he said annoyed, having a feeling she was only here for that. "Why do you care? You don't even like your husband."

He always heard about her from Stella, hearing how they don't even see each other as a couple, never referring to each other as Husband or Wife unless formally speaking. He remembered hearing stories of her and Seir arguing and sometimes getting into fights, it wouldn't be the first time a Goetia couple didn't get along.

"My Lady doesn't need to answer that. Prince Sier returned home with bandages around his stomach and chest with several stab wounds around his heart. I was told your feathers were the cause of the wounds, is this true?" The Imp interrupted them, her voice sounded so clear in the room that it burned Astaroth's ears to hear it.

"I don't have to answer you." Astaroth held his head away from the imp.

"Actually, Astaroth, you do. She is seeing if your 'case' is even worth defending. I am pressing charges." Audria said with a huff, her expression staying blank. "Awnser her or rot here for until Lord Piamon says otherwise. You of all people know about his judgment."

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