Chapter 28: Candy

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Bethane's POV:

The next morning, I set a goal.

I am going to get Rider to talk to me.

No, this doesn't mean we're getting back together or I hate him any less. It just means that I feel bad and I don't want it on my conscious. That's all. Plus, I'm a competitive person so Rider of all people is not going to beat me at the staying angry game. That's only for me.

I made him breakfast and am hoping that I can at least earn a thank you from him which is still a word. Two actually, so bonus.

He wakes up after a few minutes while I'm waiting in the kitchen. I'm still not sure if what he said to me yesterday was him saying he was speaking to me again, but according to my reading in between-the-line skills, I'm guessing that's a no.

"I made breakfast." I hold out a plate of eggs, French toast, and maple syrup on the side since I know he used to enjoy anything sugary.

He walks right past me, grabs his keys, grabs the papers that I signed which are on the counter, and is out the door with not a single ounce of emotion. I stand with the plate, unable to move because now I think he's actually angry at me, and that makes my guilt skyrocket.

Maybe he'll just end up talking to me one day. They say time helps. Liars, but let's give it a try.

Today, I try to make conversation about a new movie that's coming out which I searched up. He just eats his dinner and then goes to his bedroom with no excitement. I also try to ask him about football, and he just gives me slight nods that you could barely tell were actual movements.

On Sunday, I offer to buy us lunch.

He doesn't say anything.

I ask him if he wants to play a board game.

He doesn't say anything.

I can't do this anymore. I can't do the silence. I've grown to love noise, and Rider isn't providing his personality which I've claimed to hate, but it's killing me internally.

Still don't care about him though. I just want to hear his annoying voice or at least see that bright grin that gets on my damn nerves. I can barely concentrate on my work because of him, and by the time school is over which is around four o clock today, I've thought of a million ways that I know won't work.

Then, the perfect idea pops up in my head.

I get dressed for the day quickly and make my way to a bunch of stores. Every store I can think of, I go to. I just got my first check from the firm, as well as a bunch of money back from law school since I'm doing online classes, which reminds me that I have to get a job or else I'm going to go broke immediately.

I still saved my money though so I'm able to live fairly well for now. Plus, with the money my parents insist on sending every month, I'm doing fairly well. The minute I get my law degree and have a stable income, I'm stopping them from the burden of paying me, paying their bills, and I'm buying them a better house to live in.

When I get back to the apartment, I set up the counter with everything I got as my stomach hurts with nervous butterflies.

He has to forgive me.

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