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Zara flopped onto her comfy hotel bed, her body sinking into the mattress. Although it took her a long time and numerous tries, she was in Korea, and was finally doing what she wanted to do - she now wrote music for the one and only Itzy! Finally... Zara thought, smiling at the thought of her loving aunt and uncle. Auntie and Uncle won't have to suffer anymore...

Shringggggggggg! Her doorbell rang, the shrill sound snapped her back to reality. Her suitcases must have arrived. She opened the door to see a handsome boy- about her age - with her bags. "Thanks," she said. Upon seeing the confused look on his face,she tried thanking him in Korean. "Gam-sa-ham-ni-da?" She enunciated, and by the look of joy on the man's face, she knew she said it wrong.

"I was just kidding," he said in English with a slight accent and a deep voice. "I'm only maybe a year older than you; of course I understand what you're saying."

"I got so scared for a second," Zara told him, dramatically clutching her chest. "I thought we were friends, Mr. Um... sorry, what's your name?" He laughed, his messy black hair bouncing as he shook his head. He pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to Zara with a beautiful smile.

"My number is on the card. Call me if you need help getting around Seoul, okay? My name is Lee Jun-Seo, but call me Jun."

Zara took the card and their fingers brushed against each other. Realizing how close she was to such an attractive person, she stepped back, blushing. "Oh- um, thanks. I'm Zara, by the way. Zara Allaire."

"Nice to meet you, Zara," he greeted, bowing slightly before stepping back and turning away with the trolley. "I have to go back to my duties, but do give me a call."

"I- I will!" She responded, but Jun-Seo was already gone. 

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