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"Oh- I... um... thanks," Zara stuttered, blushing again as she handed Felix her credit card. He swiped it and frowned. He swiped again before looking up at her. "What's wrong?" Zara asked.

"Um.. it says here that your card was denied," he told her, tilting the screen towards her so she could see.

"What?" She blurted out. That couldn't be right; her aunt had told her that she had activated the account. Panicking, Zara kept on trying, to no avail. "I'm so sorry Felix! I don't know what happened! I thought my aunt already activated my card! I really don't have any cash on me but I-" Zara's blubbering was abruptly stopped by Yongbok's hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. This one's on me. I really enjoyed talking to you, and this isn't too big of a deal for me," he said, flashing his million-dollar smile.

"I really can't accept this!" Zara exclaimed, but Yongbok just pushed her out of the shop, giggling ever so adorably.

"If you want to repay me so much, we could hang out some other time! Don't forget my face, okay?" Yongbok said teasingly as he stepped back into the shop. Zara, flustered and amazed, stood there, not knowing what to say. It was not everyday you met someone as amazing and kind as this. Zara walked back home with a spring in her step, her mood boosted. He was a literal sunshine; even though she only spent a few hours with him, it felt like everything was going to be alright. 

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