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Sorry for the late chapter. (/▽\)


Chris turned pink all the way to his ears. "A saesang is a... well I mean uh..."

"A saesang is an obsessive kpop fan that stalks the idols. This old man couldn't tell you the meaning because he called you one earlier." Sky interrupted.

"I'm really sorry, Zara. It's just that I was looking out for my friends. I didn't mean to hurt you!" Chan apologized, attempting to bow in the water (which was quite funny, to be honest).

"No, it's okay. I would also be skeptical if I was in your place. But I do have a question. You said saesangs were obsessive fans of kpop groups. But you guys aren't a kpop group."

Chris and Sky looked at each other in amazement, and Zara knew that they were sharing the same brain cell. Zara must have looked so confused because of the sudden silence that the men burst out laughing, not knowing what to make of this strange woman.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring. "That's my phone!" Zara exclaimed as she clambered out of the pool. After a few moments on the phone, Zara went back to the pool and said "Um, guys... I'm going to be going now, something came up. I'll see you later?" The boys nodded, and one of them- Sam- looked particularly sad about her leaving.

"Why are you leaving?" He pouted, his adorable- yet manly- features curving into a frown.

Zara frowned, too, as she replied, "I have a dinner reservation at a restaurant near the JYP building, and I wanted to get some work done before then." As soon as she said JYP, something on the boys' faces changed.

"Okay..." they said. "Bye, Zara!" The girl waved back before walking away.

Zara felt really guilty now. She was having so much fun with her newfound friends she had lost track of time and forgotten to call her aunt and uncle, who were now worried out of their minds. Reassuring them that she was fine- no, she had not been kidnapped- Zara changed into warm clothes and decided to read for a while before dinner. 

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