The New Beginning

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Darkness. Complete darkness. Nothing in the world left. Everything destroyed. Nobody around to tell the tales of those who once lived. But then, one day, there was a light. A blinding light that shot through the black and created white along it's path. When hope was non-existent, there was suddenly a second wind. Was it finally over? Was the world about to finally be freed once more? Surely, this is it. The story must continue. There must be a real ending to all of this. But, of course, for there to be a real ending, there must be a new beginning of some kind.

And so the light, once hidden behind a layer of thick abyss, now towered over the darkness. Colours were once again alive. The stars, the planets, the moons... Everything, back to how they used to be. The Earth was striving once more, and it's inhabitants were walking amongst one another, unknowingly starting anew.

One man in particular, however, had known of the cause of this darkness. A man that had heard the voice speak to him. For years, he was nothing. But after so long, finally, he opened his eyes. And then, a distant voice was heard, causing him to sit up on the sofa he remembered sleeping on in the past.

???: "Chef Pee Pee! Where's my dinner, already?"
Chef Pee Pee: "W-what...?"

He stood up and looked towards the staircase to see a familiar figure appear. His old boss was there, yelling at him in his usual way. But Chef Pee Pee remembered the past.

Bowser: "Chef Pee Pee, have you been napping!? It's 5 in the afternoon, I said I wanted hot dogs!"
Chef Pee Pee: "Wh- Huh...? B-Bowser, what is happening?"
Bowser: "Oh, don't tell me you've been smoking! You know the rules. Sharing is caring."
Chef Pee Pee: "No, Bowser, what is going on here? Where's Junior, a-and Cody and..."
Bowser: "What are you talking about, bro? They're upstairs doing stupid little brat stuff."
Chef Pee Pee: "But what about all the killing and the letter, and that guy, and..."
Bowser: "Look, look, look. I ain't here to listen to your weird dreams, okay? I'm gonna go back upstairs, and I want my hot dogs in five minutes, or I'm gonna... I don't know what I'll do..."
Chef Pee Pee: "You never do..."

The Koopa turned and left Chef Pee Pee scratching his head. He was so confused. There was no way his last experience was nothing but a dream. That would be such an anticlimactic conclusion! No. Chef Pee Pee needed to get to the bottom of this. One way or another, he planned to find the truth. So, he ventured upstairs to investigate, and immediately entered the room with the red couch. There was Bowser Junior and Cody (and Ken), watching TV.

Cody: "God, are we really gonna watch the Doofy The Dragon Reboot, Junior?"
Junior: "Yeah, come on, it's just as good as the original."
Cody: "No, it's not, they use ugly CGI on this one."
Junior: "Trust me, it's just as good! Reboots are always just as good as originals!"
Cody: "Junior, that sounds so wrong, I think I might kill you."
Junior: "Yeah, right."
Chef Pee Pee: "Guys! W-what are you up to?"
Junior: "Uhm... Just watching TV."
Cody: "Sup, Peeps?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Hey, uh... Where's Joseph?"
Junior: "J-Joseph?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Yeah, he's usually here, isn't he?"
Cody: "Joseph, as in Hisfriendfromschool?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Yes, Joseph Hisfriendfromschool."
Cody: "Why would he be here?"
Junior: "Yeah, we haven't seen him since we moved from the apartment."
Cody: "Yeah, we moved too far away from him."
Chef Pee Pee: "What the... No, no, no, this isn't right. No, you two are pranking me, right? This is some kind of prank, isn't it?"
Junior: "W-what are you talking about?"

Unbelievable. Chef Pee Pee was speechless for a moment. Something was wrong. He left the room and took a few moments to think to himself. Was Joseph simply moved away? Why? There had to be answers. And just when he thought he had lost his mind enough, something caught his eye. Something had sped past the stairs downwards. A green and blue blur, accompanied by a deep shriek.

Something else was different...


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