The Appointment 2/2

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After a long drive, Chef Pee Pee and Bowser Junior finally arrived at the medical centre.

Chef Pee Pee: "Alright, Junior, get out of the car and we'll go inside."

Junior: *sigh*

In response, Junior slowly opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car. Chef Pee Pee took the keys out and opened his door. When both of them were outside, they walked towards the medical centre. When they were inside, they walked over to the reception.

Chef Pee Pee: "Uh... Excuse me...?"

Receptionist: "Hm? Oh, hello, sir! How can I help you?"

Chef Pee Pee: "Uh, I'm here for an appointment for this child?"

Receptionist: "Okay, can I have your name?"

Chef Pee Pee: "My name is Pee Pee and this is Junior."

Receptionist: "...What?"

Chef Pee Pee: "Yeah, uh... It is pretty weird, I know, but, uh... Anyway, I called earlier and I was told to go to the nearest medical centre and, uh... Well, here we are."

Receptionist: "Well, what's the problem with the child?"

Chef Pee Pee: "You see, he's, like... He might be depressed or something, I'm not sure."

Receptionist: "Oh... Well, I'll book you in! You should wait in the waiting room until your name is called. Pee Pee, is it?"

Chef Pee Pee: "Yes."

Receptionist: "Okay, in that case, I'll get someone else to call for you..."

Chef Pee Pee: "Oh... Alright then..."

He then went to the waiting room with Bowser Junior close behind. They sat down next to each other and unsurprisingly waited.

After what felt like hours, the two were finally called. They were taken to a medical room. The doctor opened the door in response to the knocks and asked for them to come in.

Doctor: "So... Pee Pee, is it?"

Chef Pee Pee: "Yeah."

Doctor: "Is this your child, Pee Pee?"

Chef Pee Pee: "Uh, no, he's my boss' child. I'm a personal chef."

Doctor: "Oh, I get it now. So, I was told he has depression?"

Chef Pee Pee: "Well, doc, he's been acting really quiet and sad for a while. He's usually really happy and annoying, but now he's talking deep and making suicidal puns."

Doctor: "Suicide? Well, that's not good... Okay, then... It seems that he does, in fact, have depression. Now... The best thing I can do is give you these..."

The doctor opened a drawer and took out a small bottle. He walked back Chef Pee Pee and gave it to him.

Chef Pee Pee: "What are these?"

Doctor: "Anti-depressant pills, Mr. Pee Pee. You make sure he takes them every night before bed."

Chef Pee Pee: "Uh... okay then... Thanks, doc."

Doctor: "Of course, sir. Please return if anything unexpected or overall negative happens."

Chef Pee Pee: "Alright then. Come on, Junior."

The two finally left the room to go home.

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