The Car

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Cody snuck towards the door to the garage, where Mario's car was sitting, whilst dragging Sheen's dead corpse. He approached it slowly, as quietly as he possibly could. Unfortunately, as he reached for the doorknob, the door was already opening. Quickly, he rushed over to the side of the door, hoping that whoever was there either didn't notice him or didn't hear about his mischief. It was Mario and Jeffy. Jeffy had a happy meal in his hand and Mario wished he had a gun in his hand as usual.

Jeffy: "Thanks for the happy meal, Daddy!"

Mario: "Yep! Even though you threw half of it onto the road..."

Jeffy: "Well, I asked for 7 toys! And what do I get? 1!"

Mario: *sigh* "Alright, let's just go watch some TV..."

Jeffy: "Okay, Daddy!"

The two walked off towards the living room. Cody was in the clear. He was surprised that neither of them saw him, but he had nothing to complain about, so he didn't put much concern into it. He sneaked into the garage. There was the car. And to his luck, the car keys were on a table near the door. He just then realised how stupid Mario was. He picked up the keys and dragged the corpse to the trunk. With the key, he opened it and Shrek was thrown in. After closing the trunk, Cody rushed for the switch near the garage door. The garage door began opening. Immediately, he unlocked opened the driver's door and sat down on the seat. He slammed it and turned the car on. Just as he was ready, Mario returned.

Mario: "What the hell!? Hey! My car!"

The car suddenly sped off from the garage. It turned right and disappeared. Mario ran out from the garage to the pathway in front of it. He saw it go.

Mario: "Aw, damn it! My car! I gotta call the police!"

Frustrated, he walked back to the house as he took out his phone. He turned it on, unlocked it and called 911. Almost immediately, it was picked up.

Brooklyn Guy: "Police Department. What can I DO you for today?"

Mario: "Wait, what?"

Brooklyn Guy: "Shit, I mixed up my lines again! You see, I just finished my pizza job and I was in a rush, so I got confused... Uh... Anyway, what's up?"

Mario: "My car just got stolen!"

Brooklyn Guy: "Oh. Well, okay, I'm gonna come over, alright?"

Mario: "Come over? Why?"

Brooklyn Guy: "Well, I was coming over to your house anyway, so I might as well go now."

Mario: "Uh, why are you coming over?"

Brooklyn Guy: "Remember the thing with the kid and the kidnapping?"

Mario: "Oh... Well, be quick, please! My car could be in Mexico right now!"

Brooklyn Guy: "Alright, I'll be right over! Expect me in about fifteen minutes."

Mario: "Fifteen minutes!?"

Brooklyn Guy: "Oh, I'm sorry! It's not my fault the police station is on the opposite side of the town! Oh, and the traffic? Not always avoidable, you know? Jesus..."

The phone hung up. Mario walked into the house and closed the door. He walked over to the kitchen, where Chef Pee Pee was cooking.

Mario: "Chef Pee Pee!"

Chef Pee Pee: "Oh, yes, Mario?"

Mario: "The police are coming over about the kid and stuff."

Chef Pee Pee: "Oh, finally! Did they call you or something?"

Mario: "No, I called them because my car was stolen."

Chef Pee Pee: ,"Wait, what? Your car was stolen, Mario! Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Mario: "Yeah, well, I hope I get it back. Anyway, I'm gonna close the garage door and wait for the officer to arrive, so I'll see you then."

Chef Pee Pee: "Alright, Mario."

Mario left the room and Chef Pee Pee continued cooking.

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