The Remote

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It was a shocking discovery when Chef Pee Pee made his way downstairs to find someone standing by the front door. A tall man with a green hat and blue overalls. Chef Pee Pee found the man slightly familiar, but couldn't exactly tell who was there.

Chef Pee Pee: "U-uh, who are you?"
???: "It's me, Mama Luigi!"
Chef Pee Pee: "The fuck?"
Mama Luigi: "Uhm, I think you were dropped on the head or something, I'm right here."
Chef Pee Pee: "I don't know who you are. What are you doing in this house?"
Mama Luigi: "This is my house, man, learn to share!"
Chef Pee Pee: "Damn it. Looks like there's been a lot of changes... Hey, Luigi?"
Mama Luigi: "It's Mama Luigi."
Chef Pee Pee: "Okay, then. Mama Luigi, have you seen Mario?"
Mama Luigi: "Oh, Mario is at the store. He's... Oh, wait, he's outside."

Rather conveniently, a car had pulled up outside the garage. Chef Pee Pee exited the house and rushed to question the man, as he was just getting out.

Chef Pee Pee: "Mario?"
Mario: "Oh, hey, Chef Pee Pee. What's up?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Mario, there's so many weird things going on right now... I think I'm losing my mind or something!"
Mario: "O-oh. Uh, well, what's wrong?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Okay, I just need you to tell me who lives in that house."
Mario: "O-okay... Well... There's me, you, Bowser, his kid... Mama Luigi's been here a while, and Shrek, and Woody... And that's it."
Chef Pee Pee: "Oh. Wait, no Jeffy?"
Mario: "Who's Jeffy?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Ugh, well, that's one good change so far. Listen, Mario, I feel like I've been transported to another dimension here...!"

Just then, Mama Luigi appeared once more. Overhearing the conversation, he interrupted after listening to Chef Pee Pee's last statement. As he spoke, he took out a strange device that looked like a remote.

Mama Luigi: "Another dimension, you say?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Yeah, another... What's that?"
Mama Luigi: "It's my super epic dimension portal device!"
Chef Pee Pee: "Wh..."
Mario: "Where'd you get that remote? Did you steal it?"
Mama Luigi: "No, I found it!"

Mario walked over and took the remote. It was bulky and grey, with black, numbered buttons and a green screen above. On the screen read "INPUT DIMENSION NUMBER". On the top of the device was a large, red button labelled "PUSH TO CREATE". Seeing this, Mario had a feeling he knew exactly what this was.

Mario: "Huh. Pretty cool toy."
Chef Pee Pee: "Wait, it's just a stupid toy?"
Mario: "Yeah, obviously. Hey, you know what, I bet that kid you look after would like it."
Chef Pee Pee: "I mean, I guess... Even though he's supposed to be dead."
Mario: "What?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Okay, uh, yeah, I'll give it to him. Thanks, Mario."
Mario: "Sure thing."
Mama Luigi: "Hey, I found it first!"
Mario: "I bought you some Cheerio's."
Mama Luigi: *Shriek*

When Chef Pee Pee returned to the inside of the house, he became overly curious. Most of him was sure that what he was holding was just a toy. But, part of him wanted to try something. He typed in some numbers, randomly, until he was unable to add a ninth number. Eight was apparently the limit, so he then pushed down the red button...

And then...

A large, red portal suddenly appeared before him. He jumped in disbelief as he felt a strong wind blow towards him. Mario struggled to open the front door, but when he peered in, he too saw the portal.

Mario: "What the fuck!?"
Chef Pee Pee: "Holy shit, it works!"

There was a bright, white light in the middle of the portal, and feeling confident, Chef Pee Pee got ready to jump in.

Chef Pee Pee: "Well, looks like I'm going!"
Mario: "Chef Pee Pee, are you crazy? You might die!"
Chef Pee Pee: "This is not my dimension, Mario! I'm going back home!"
Mario: "Wait...!"

The chef dashed right into the portal, and dematerialised. Unfortunately for Mario, his attempt to stop him caused himself to be sent through the portal. He held Chef Pee Pee's wrist tightly as they were suddenly shot through a wormhole, briefly unable to feel or breathe. Everything went black for a moment.

Where did they go?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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