The Payment

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Mario and Jeffy sat on the red sofa and watched the television.

Jeffy: "Hey Daddy? Can we watch something else?"

Mario: "What? No, Jeffy, I'm watching this."

Jeffy: "Well, I don't like this show, Daddy, it's boring!"

Mario: "No, it's great!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Mario: "Oh, uh, I'll get that. Don't change the channel, Jeffy!"

Jeffy: "Alright, Daddy..."

Mario stood up and left the room. As soon as he did, Jeffy grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Mario walked down the stairs and up to the front door.

Mario: "Oh, please be the police!"

He opened the door. It wasn't the police. It was much worse.

Mario: "Hello? Oh god."

Goodman: "Hello, Mario. Do you know what time it is?"

Mario: "Uh... No..."

Goodman: "I do. You wanna know what time it is, Mario?"

Mario: "Sure..."

Goodman: "Alright, let me just check my watch..."

He held out his arm in front of his face as if there was a watch there.

Goodman: "Ah yes, it's half past give me your house payment."

Mario: "Oh.. Well..."

Goodman: "House payment, Mario."

Mario: "Well, you see, I... I don't really have that money right now..."

Goodman: "Oh, really?"

Mario: "Yeah... But, something bad is going on, so..."

Goodman: "Oh, I heard, Mario."

Mario: "Yeah, and the cops will be here in around 10 minutes... And also, my car was stolen."

Goodman: "Oh, well, shit! What a shame! Your car was stolen! Oh no! Big deal, Mario!"

Mario: "Look, can you come back later, please? I promise I'll have the money!"

Goodman: *sigh* "Fine, Mario. I'm feeling generous. Four days! If you don't have your house payment in four days, I'm gonna tape you balls to a cactus. See you in four days!"

Mario: "Wait, what? Huh? Uh..."

Slightly confused, he closed the door. At least he didn't have to worry about that for a while. He walked back up the stairs and into the room where Jeffy was watching his show.

Mario: "Jeffy! What did I say about to changing the channel!?"

Jeffy: "I don't even know."

Mario: "Jeffy! Change it back now!"

Jeffy: "I don't have to."

Mario: "Yes you do, give me the remote!"

Jeffy: "Oh, you don't want that, Daddy."

Mario: "Huh? Why not?"

Jeffy: "Why don't you find out?"

Jeffy moved away from the remote. Mario grabbed it.

Mario: "Okay, so what's gonna happen?"

Jeffy: "I rubbed my pee pee on the remote."

Immediately, Mario dropped the remote.

Mario: "AAAAH! Ew, that's so disgusting, Jeffy!"

He dashed out of the room towards the bathroom to wash his hands. Jeffy continued to watch his show.

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