The Chase

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Brooklyn Guy quietly sat in the driver's seat of his police car, driving towards his destination. It seemed very peaceful until he noticed a car going the opposite direction very fast. He rolled down the window and professional asked the driver to slow down.

Brooklyn Guy: "Hey! Slow it down, alright?"

Of course, the car didn't slow down. Instead of trying that again, he spun the car around right after the car sped past and began pursuing. He took out his speakerphone to speak.

Brooklyn Guy: "Hey! Slow down your vehicle!"

The two cars travelled down the long road as fast as both could push. Eventually, the car turned left, out of nowhere, into the trees that were part of the forest surrounding the road. Annoyed Brooklyn Guy slowed down the car and turned it until he could see the car again. The chase hadn't ended just yet.

It was intense and bumpy for both. The vehicles drove incredibly fast, barely dodging trees and going through bushes large and small. Unfortunately, as the speeder wasn't very experienced, he eventually found himself crashing into a large oak tree. The police car stopped safely a short distance away. Brooklyn Guy got out and ran over to the other vehicle with his pistol in hand just in case. He looked in through the window, but immediately as he did so, right before he could fully identify the person, the car door swing open, smacking him in the face and cashing him to step back in pain.

Brooklyn Guy: "Ah! Shit! Fuck me!"

He dropped his gun onto the floor as he held his hand over his face for a moment. After a moment of suffering, however, the pain had eased, but as Brooklyn Guy looked back, hope was shocked to see Cody looking back with the pistol in his grasp.

Brooklyn Guy: "Wait, what...!? H-hey, kid, l-l-listen up, okay, I-I... Uh...".                                                  

Cody: "Have fun in Hell, bitch.".                                                                                                                          

Brooklyn Guy: "Well, y-you know, I-I always p-p-preferred H-Heaven, but, u-uh..."

Before he could finish his joke, Cody pulled the trigger. The bullet shot Brooklyn Guy right on the forehead, killing him. His body fell to the ground and blood began to pour down from the wound to the ground. Cody could now get back to what he was planning on.

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