The Search

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Chef Pee Pee and Brooklyn Guy were confused about the note and where Junior was.

Chef Pee Pee: Oh no! Junior's gone! Where is he!?

Brooklyn Guy: Uh, dude? I thought you hated that little brat...

Chef Pee Pee: I mean, I do, I just... uh... uh-B-Bowser! Bowser will beat the s**t out of me!

Brooklyn Guy: Alright then... OK, we'll search for him, OK?

Chef Pee Pee: Oh, OK, be quick, though!

Brooklyn Guy walked to the door and walked out. Chef Pee Pee was going to the kitchen until Bowser came from upstairs.

Bowser: CHEF PEE PEE!!! Where's my dinner already!?

Chef Pee Pee: Uh... Uh... Well, uh... Bowser... your-your son is, uh, gone....

Bowser: What? Come on, Pee Pee, quit playing, where's my food?

Chef Pee Pee: No, Bowser, Junior is gone, he's been kidnapped!

Bowser: WHAT!? By who!?

Chef Pee Pee: His stupid friend, Cody!

Bowser: Oh, that little n***a!!! I'm gonna go call the cops!

Chef Pee Pee: Uh, I already did, Bowser!

Bowser: Oh, well you better find him otherwise you're dead!

He walked off to watch Charleyyy and Friends.

Chef Pee Pee: Oh no... Where could Junior be...?

Suddenly... the phone rang! OOOOOOOOH!!!!!

Chef Pee Pee: Ooh, my phone! Oh, maybe it's the cops!

It was... But, you knew that right? heh, yeah...

Chef Pee Pee answered the phone.

Chef Pee Pee: Uh, hello!?

Brooklyn Guy: Yeah, hi, so we found the kid...

Chef Pee Pee: Oh thank god, where is he, is he OK?

Brooklyn Guy: Uh... Um... come to the police station... Come and, uh, see him...

Chef Pee Pee: Oh, OK!

He quickly hung up as he was too excited!

Che Pee Pee: Yes! Yes! Oh, I have to go! But, uh, I'll get Bowser to come as well, Junior is his child. BOWSEEEER!!!!


(I promise!)

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