Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Luke ^^)

   Kasden had anticipated this date for the whole week. His stomach fluttered as though it was filled with butterflies, all trying to escape, which was strange given that he'd known Luke for most of his life. Tonight, was going to be their first real date.

     As far as first dates go, this one could be considered basic vanilla. The two young men didn't care that it wasn't original, or fancy; they were just happy to be going on a date, for the first time, with one another. They hadn't told any of their friends that they were going on a date - but somehow, they all found out about it. The couple wanted it to be just like any other time they went out with their friends, except this time, there were no other friends with them - which is how a date should be.

  Kasden thought it was best to try and not be too public about dating another boy because of the church, and the orphanage, and the conflict he sometimes felt between being a believer and being attracted to his friend.

     Luke wanted it kept low-key because he wanted to avoid the teasing his siblings would inevitably heap on him for finally having the courage to ask Kasden out.

     It was dinner and a movie; just that, but that was more than enough for the two boys. It was also enough to garner teasing from friends and family, who found out about the plans anyway.  

     Kasden's stomach churned a tiny bit at the idea that he was doing something God would frown upon, but what he felt for his friend Luke (dare he call him 'boyfriend' now?) was too strong to deny. Was God really opposed to people who were in love - even when they were the same sex?

     The forces pulling the two together were much stronger than the forces pushing them apart; Kasden thought of it like the opposite poles of a magnet, or even gravity, the attraction was inevitable. He couldn't help but remember the day he'd 'come out' to Father Jacob, and the priest's comforting words that day.


     "What's the matter, Kas? You look like you're going to cry." Father Jacob sat down on the old bench beside the clearly distraught boy.

     Kasden looked down at his shoes, too afraid to tell the kind priest what he was feeling. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Father Jacob giving the boy time to calm himself and find words, if he decided to. He had a lot of experience dealing with young people; it came with the territory.

  "I like another boy." Kasden finally blurted out, the words felt like they were burning his throat as he said them.

     "I see." Father Jacob, replied. "Is he a nice boy?"

     Kasden looked up at the priest, surprise written in his wide eyes. "Yes, he's the nicest. Am I going to hell?"

     "I doubt that you're going to hell for liking a boy, Kas. I think God loves all his children, even boys who like other boys. My younger brother is like you; he likes a boy too, and the two of them make each other happy. I think that is what God wants - for us to be happy. If this boy makes you happy, then I think God will be happy too."

     "I know that isn't what most leaders of the church will tell you, but Father Benjamin and I have had long conversations about my brother. He thinks much like I do, and we won't condemn you."

     "But listen, Kas, you should keep this to yourself while you're here, okay? Not everybody will be happy for you, and they might make it hard for you."

     "Would it be okay with you if I talk to Mr. and Mrs. Milton for you? They should know what's going on so they can help to protect you. You're not the first boy who's lived here that liked other boys, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton understand what you're going through; I'm sure they'll be supportive."

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