Debts & Misunderstandings

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A few days have passed and you find yourself standing in front of, what you presume to be, Yoongi's favorite room.

"I wonder what's behind here"

You whispered to yourself looking at the small screen implanted into the wall next to the door.The monitor is what caught your attention, otherwise, you'd never look twice at this door.You realized you've never actually been in there.

You don't necessarily have a reason to go in there, you don't even know what the room could be. All you know is...Yoongi spends a lot of time there.

He's in there throughout the day, sometimes late into the evening and you're pretty certain that he has fallen asleep in there a couple of times. Namjoon and Seokjin are the only other people besides him that you've seen go into that room. Sometimes, there are a lot of people that'll come over. They all go to that room. You caught a glimpse of the room once, but it was short-lived. As quickly as they opened the door they quickly closed it. Besides, they never opened the door wide enough to see anything anyway.

If it was just a regular room, you wouldn't be so interested. But the secrecy and the's getting to you.

You looked at the monitor, tapping the screen and being met with "PLEASE ENTER YOUR PASSWORD"

"Really, Yoongi? I passcode" you complained. "What possibly could he need a password for?" Shaking your head, you tried to think of a few. Like birthdays, and important dates

You've pondered for a few minutes, but the only dates you could think of were dates between you and him.

What if it was his mother's birthday? Or another important thing that you aren't involved in.

You knew it wouldn't be his father's birthday. That's for sure.

You wouldn't know unless you try.

To be frank, you were a little nervous to try to get into this room. There has to be a reason why Yoongi has never invited you here...right? If Yoongi hasn't brought you here, maybe you shouldn't go inside

So you took a step back, letting out a small huff before crossing your arms.

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