8 - You're the best.

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Yesterday Marshall and I had talked a lot. Like really a lot. Especially Marshall talked a lot. And it really meant a lot to me that he trusted me with his thoughts and actually wanted some advice from me.

It had been really late already yesterday when i drove home.

Today i will meet up with two friends I had made in the last few weeks.

It feels good to finally know some women my age that i can spend time with on my days off.

But still, my best friend here in Detroit is Marshall. He's just the sweetest.


The next day

Today was sunday and i didnt really do anything. I just hung out at my house, did a lot of cleaning, took a extra long shower and now just layed on the couch and watched a movie eating some pizza I just had ordered.

It was really late already and I was just tired.

Lately one specific thought has always been on my mind: I WANNA GET A PUPPY!

I dont know, one day it just popped into my mind...I just always feel so alone when I'm at home, or even at Marshall's. So why not have a little friend with me all the time?

But then suddenly my door bell rang and I went to open it.

And who would have thought? It was Marshall...

"Everything okay?", you instantly asked and pulled him inside so nobody sees him standing in front of my house.

"I forgot my fucking key this morning. Now I cant enter my house", he hissed annoyed. "Can I have yours?"

"I would give you mine but how am I supposed to get through the gates of your neighbourhood tomorrow without the keys", i sighted.

He just let out a sight. He looked tired.

"Where have you been anyways?", I asked curious because he usually doesnt do anything on a sunday.

"At the studio", he mumbled.

Of course...where else.

Marshall then just fully layed down on my couch.

He took a look at my pizza. He looked hungry. That he was hungry must really mean that something really botheres him. Nothing else can make him forget to eat.

"If you're hungry you can have pizza. I already have eaten enough."

"Thanks", he just mumbled and almost instantly started eating.

That just made me let out a soft chuckle and he instantly looked at me.

"No it's okay, Marsh", i said reassuring. "But come on, calm down."

I knew that he hadnt been home all day. He was probably at the studio since early in the morning and had totally forgotten about time. He prolly hasnt eaten at all.

He just looked super exhausted because he just layed there on my couch, eating my pizza.

"I'm sorry, Di", he just mumbled and I just knew how sorry he felt so I just walked over to him, placed a soft blanket over his body and just sat down in front of the couch since he was taking in all the space.

"It's okay", i just said.

Then I just watched him eating the pizza.

He looked...definitely not okay. He looked sad and hurt. Frustrated, angry... Whatever he is thinking about right now, it affect him a lot.

"I hate to see you like this", I said quietly. "I don't like when you're sad. But its okay to be sad. I don't know... when you need something...just talk to me", I said softly.

He didnt react but I knew he was listening to every word I was saying.

"I can be a good cry-buddy too", i tried to joke. But when i saw how he suddenly looked at me...I just knew that he might actually wanna cry.

So I decided to stand up.

"Sit up", I demanded, so he did.

Next I sta dwn on the couch where his head layed before. Then I placed two pillows on my lap.

"Okay, now lay down again", I said softly.

Without hestitation he just did it. Now his head layed on my lap, high enough so I could easily hug him.

"I know it's gonna sound weird...", I started. "But sometimes it helps to just cry. To just let it out. Not to talk or explain anything, just letting out those feelings, maybe frustration, anger, jealousy, sadness. Whatever it is, Marshall, I'm here and I wont go nowhere. You were there for me when I wasnt feeling well, now I'll take care of you until you're happy again."

When I first looked at him again you already saw some tears in his eyes.

And next he suddenly just started to cry. It was not like i didnt expect it but still, i was kinda surprised he would actually trust me that much.

I instantly hugged him and pulled him against me. He instantly hugged me back, quietly sobbing into my chest.

And next...I started to cry as well. Not because I was sad...I'm just extremely emotional attached to the people I'm close to so when I see someone important to me suffer like that, I get really emotional too.

But I still could control it so I stopped after a time.

"Yeah, just let it out Marshall", I sniffed and rubbed his back. "It's okay, I'm here. You know, its totally okay to show emotions. You can trust me, you're my best friend."

After a time his head just fell down on the pillow on my lap again and he stopped crying again.

But I didnt say anything, he neither. We just remained silent for a couple of minutes. I just lightly stroke through his short hair to calm him down.

"I think it was good that you came over", I whispered after a time.

He just nodded and slowly sat up.

And then he just hugged me. He hugged me, hugged me and hugged me. For a very long time.

"Thank you Dina", he then said a lot calmer. "You're the best."

"You too", I just smiled. "You're just the best Marshall."

He looked so vulnerable right now. His eyes were red and puffy and he overall just looked really exhausted.

So after a time I just stood up and went into my kitchen to go and grab some snacks and two diet cokes and sat back down next to him.

Then we just started to watch a movie and I snuggled under his blanket as well.

"You're such a sweetheart, Di", Marshall suddenly sighted and when I turned to look at him I saw him smiling slightly at me.

I really liked how he called me Di everytime he was speaking so softly.

"You know, I have never told anyone else these things before like i just did with you. You're amazing, Di", he said softly.

I just smiled back at him.

"Just stay here tonight and we'll drive to your place together tomorrow morning", I whispered and leaned back against the couch.

"Okay", he agreed and opened a bag of chips.

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