18 - We should go on vacation together

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Marshall had went to therapy regularly for the last few weeks.

It was crazy how fast you can fall back into old behavior patterns. Just because he took a single pill out of despair, he couldn't bring himself to stop again.

I had noticed how ashamed he was of it. But I have told him several times that it was okay. That I'll be there for him no matter what.

I had offered him to stay at home while he was doing the withdrawal but he told me that it was not necessary and that I could go to work normally. And I honestly trust him with that decision.

I had even talked to his therapist on the phone yesterday as well. She was such a nice lady.

Marshall made great progress. But honestly, I was still very worried about him. Me, the doctors and his therapist are the only ones that know about this.

I was glad his daughters don't know. They would be so worried about their dad since he almost died from an overdoes when they were younger.

We had talked to the same doctors that had helped him back in the days. They had said that Marshall would need a few weeks so the withdrawal symptoms wouldn't be that bad.

Right now he took one pill per day which was really good progress.

But he suffers a lot from the withdrawal. At night he can't sleep, he can't concentrate, feels anxious, vomits constantly and has a constant headache.

He now has basically all the symptoms one could get. But I was still glad he could stay at home and didn't need to go to the hospital.

Marshall had also started to eat a lot again. But honestly, I was just glad that he still has appetite.

I was in the kitchen, baking a cake. I love baking so much. The best part is decorating the cake.

Suddenly, I heard Marshall coming into the kitchen so I turned around.

"Hey", I smiled.

"Hi, Di", he said softly and walked over to me.

"How are you feeling?", I asked, while cracking open one egg after another.

"Better", he shrugged. "I don't feel so dizzy anymore. I feel better."

"Good", i said relieved. "I'm baking a cake."

"I can see that", he chuckled. "I'm so hungry again."

"You're always hungry, aren't you?", I mocked.

I was glad that we could still joke about the whole situation. It made it a lot easier for both of us to deal with all this.

"Yup", Marshall just nodded.

He stepped besides me and watched me adding more ingredients into the bowl. At some point he started to snack the chocolate chips I needed to add to the dough later.

"Marsh", i groaned. "Don't eat them now."

He chuckled. "Sorry."

It was quiet for a while again.

"You wanna go for a walk with me after you've finished here?", Marshall then asked.

I was surprised by his suggestion because he hasn't been that active in a long time. But the more it made me happy he wanted to do something with me.

"Yes! I'd love to. I'll just finish prepping everything and when it goes into the oven, we can go."

He nodded smiling.

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