11- He kissed me.

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We were in New York for the show. I was staying backstage watching Marshall perform. I was staying at the saide of the stage, so the crowd wouldnt see me. But if Marshall would turn right, he'd see me.

He was already in for the second song. It was Evil Deeds. I loved that song.

And he was just rapping line after line. And something about how his voice sounded when he was pretty much yelling into the mic was incredibly attractive to me.

I couldnt even comprehend how he was able to rap at that speech and still run and jump around this gigantic stage.

When i thought he wouldnt look over to me at all I saw him glancing at me. And without thinking I just raised my middle finger and grinned at him.

I just did it out of reflex since i always make fun of him because its the way he shows his fans that he loves them. Yes, with the middle finger...

That made him smile for a short moment before he continued rapping.


About an hour and a half later the show was over and Marshall looked really exhausted.

I was already waiting for him with a fresh tshirt and a water bottle.

He slowly walked through the crowd of musicians and engeneets off stage. His face was a cool mask that said, 'Get out of my fucking way and don't talk to me.' The way he held his shoulders and the stern purse of his mouth said the same thing.

He just hated talking after a show and I knew that only too well.

"Marshall?", I called out, a lot softer than I expected, and wanted.

That was when he saw me and went over to me. The corner of his mouth twitched. His nostrils flared at the same time he took another step forward, and another, no word coming out of his mouth.

At the last second he stopped in front of me and suddenly his presence was overpowering.

I swallowed as he stood in front of me. The swallow turned into a shaky, uncertain smile.

"Hey. Here's some water and a fresh shirt. You wanna go buy something to eat or do you first wanna go have a shower at the hotel? I really--"

"Stop", he cut me off. Marshall ducked his face and at the same time his hands came up. One went to my cheek, the other went to cup the back of my neck. He kissed me.

Marshall kissed me.

His bottom lip went to my top one, his grip reassuring as he dragged his mouth to kiss me fully. And I did what any sane person would have done: I let him, and I pressed my lips to his instinctively. Our mouths met in a peck that was followed by a big sight brushing over my neck for a moment, his forehead pressed against mine.

Okay. All right.


I didnt know what the hell had just happened but I wasnt about to let myself overthink it.

My heart beating, I tipped my mouth up to kiss him back the same way he had me, my hand reaching up to touch the side of his neck.

The people surrounding us seemed so insignificant and small in that moment  that I didnt care they were around.

I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but I knew the answer. He was exhausted, grumpy and tired. That was nothing new after a show.

"Lets just stop by at In'N'Out and buy some food and then drive back to the hotel", I suggested after a time. "What do you say?"

"I'll say okay."

That just made me smile. I handed him the water and tshirt so he could change real quick.

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