20 - I need a break

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A few months later

"Dina?", Marshall asked after he stepped into the bathroom.

I was currently sitting on the floor, talking to Bruna, my only friend except for Marshall, who just moved to Texas which broke my heart...

"Wait a sec, B", i said and looked at Marshall. "What?"

"Skylar is in town so we'll start working in the studio again, okay? I'll drive over there now."

"Sure, whatever", i sighed.

"Dina, why are you pissed?", he asked confused but he lately pissed me off in general. I don't really know why.

We lately just fight about every little thing which is so exhausting.

"Marshall, I have Bruna on the phone", i just snapped. "I'm already in the bathroom so I'll get my space, so why don't you just leave again?"

He just laughed and shook his head in disbelieve before he walked away again and slammed the door shut behind him.


"Are you fighting?", Bruna asked me.

I shrugged. "Lately...its just exhausting because we're always fighting about the most stupid things. But that's not important now, lets talk about you, how's Texas treating ya?"

We continued talking for a very long time. I also changed my destination from the bathroom to the couch since it was a lot more comfortable.


Later that night I laid in bed and Marshall was still not home. I wondered what him and Skylar were doing... I mean I know they are making music, but still....

I was on my phone for a very long time when I finally heard the front door open and close again.

I let out a sigh before I rolled over in bed and pulled the covers over my head.

I didn't wanna talk to him right now. So i just pretended to be asleep.

About ten minutes later, Marshall walked into the dark bedroom without turning the lights on.

"Dina?", he whispered quietly but I didn't answer.

I sensed how he got onto the bed. Next I suddenly felt fingertips carefully brushing over my cheek before some soft lips pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Good night", Marshall whispered before i felt how he laid down.

Then it went quiet again.


For the next couple of days it went on exactly like that.

Marshall left early to go to the studio, i went to work as well and in the evening I was home alone, went for walks with Corona, did the household before I went to bed. He eventually came home while i was already sleeping.

And honestly, I missed him. I missed laying in bed together at night, having in depth talks, I missed cuddling with him. I just missed him in general.

But didn't he miss me too?

This night I couldn't withstand it anymore and instead of pretending to be asleep I just immediately hugged Marshall as soon as he got onto the bed.

"Hey", he said softly. "How are you?"

But i didn't say anything. Because he didn't even hug me back.


So i simply pulled away again and just stared against the dark ceiling.

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