10 - I missed you, Marshall.

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Dina pov

Today I was finally going to therapy again. Even though i have already felt a lot better after my talk with Marshall yesterday, I still needed to talk about it some more and maybe get some advice from a neutral perspective.

But after the session was over i suddenly felt the need to change something on myself. I just wanted to.

And I dont know, it was line a instinct, that I immediately drpve to the hair salon.

And there I did it...

I just let my hair get cut. Not a little bit, no. I told the hairdresser i want it to not reach my shoulders anymore.

And it turned out so good. I don't know, I was just so happy with it. It was short and fringy and i even have bangs now. And suddenly my hair had even more volume than before.

I just loved it.

So right after I drove over to Marshalls. He wasnt home of course but he will probably arrive in about an hour.

Until then I just drove his car to the gas station, did the laundry and vacuumed the living room.

When I was about to finish I heard the keys at the front door and Marshall entering the house.

Now I was kinda nervous...what if he didnt like my new hair....

Why does it even matter if he likes it. It shouldnt even be that important to you...

"Di?", Marshall called out. "I'm back!"

When he entered the living room.I just grinned at him. "Hey."

"What the- Wow... When did you do this?", he blurted out and just stepped closer.

"This morning", I shrugged, slightly insecure. "Do you like it?

"If I like it? I love it. Di, it looks amazing on you. I was just so surprised because its such a big difference. But I love it."

That made me grin from ear to ear. Him complimenting me all the time shouldnt even affect me that much. But it did. It always makes my heart go faster, or it makes me blush. I just always feel the butterflies in my stomach when he is being so sweet.

The problem is that I have fallen in love with this man. And everything that he does makes it worse. Because I love him but he will probably never love me back the same.

I mean he could be with everybody. At the end of the day he still is Eminem and there are probably millions of other women that are better than I am. So why would he fall in love with me?

Quit dreaming, Dina...

So i just walked into the kitchen with the intention to start cooking.

But Marshall followed me and when i turned around I saw him glancing at me.

"Can I help?", he asked easily.

"Sure. I just planned on cooking some rice and making a salad. You okay with that?"

"Yup", he agreed.

"Okay, then just start to chop the veggies over there", I explained. "But you need to wash them first."

"Okay chef", he chuckled.

"Marshall", I groaned.


While we were both cutting everything up it was quiet. Too quiet. Since when didnt have we anything to talk about?

"Stop being so quiet", I joked after a time.

"You're being quiet", he argued. "How was your day then?"

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