Chapter Twelve

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Her dress at the top👆🏾or the side👉🏾
Chapter Twelve

🌟Later that Night👑

DeShawn was silently criticizing Kiahah's choice of outfits.

"Ma. You do realize that we are going to a club and not a church gathering correct?" He asked before helping himself to her chips.

"What do you suppose I wear them daddy?" Kiahah asks him with an annoyed expression. This is the fifth outfit that he has had a problem with tonight. "And stop eating all my damn chips," he ignored her second comment before going to her closet and pulling out a simple cocktail dress that was half black and the other half was designed with sliver designs. Kiahah's eyes widened with she saw the dress. She had bought it two years ago when she thought she was going to a party with Jonathan but he changed his mind at the last minute. Now she's pretty sure that her fat ass can not fit in that tiny thing. "I am not putting that on," she said with defiance in her voice.

😒 Two Hours Later 🌞

Much to Kiahah's annoyance DeShawn got her in the dress. She tugs on the hem of it trying to pull it down some before DeShawn leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"If you tug it anymore then you're boobs will pop out. The dress is fine," he said with a smirk on his face. On cd they pulled up to the club DeShawn asked if she wanted a drink. "I'm not drinking tonight. I mean somebody's gotta be responsible," he tells her trying to reassure her that he won't let anything happen to her. Only then did she accept the drink.

💥Two Hours Later🌟

Kiahah is almost completely drunk. She is talking nonsense and DeShawn is just happy to see her carefree and happy.

"You wanna dance with me? You should dance with me," she tells him as she pulls him from the bar. Kiahah drags him to the dance floor and starts to grind on him. He knows this is so very out of character for his Kiahah but he can't bring himself to take her home just yet. After dancing for twenty minutes Kiahah is thirsty. "I wanna another drink then I wanna go home and fuck," DeShawn feels as though the wind is knocked out of him. He heads to the bar to get her drink and she quickly downs it.

"You do realize you're gonna have a hangover in the morning right?" He asks her as he all but drags her stumbling figure out of the club. When he gets her in the car she tries to play with h so to speak. Kiahah moves her hand to the front of his pants and pouts.

"Why isn't it big? I don't turn you on no more?" She asks with a cute pout etched on her face. DeShawn chuckles quietly before driving her to the house. When they get out she pulls him to her and kisses him on the mouth. When she pulls back she has a sly smile carved on her face. They walk inside and she tries to kiss him but he's alittle quick for her.

"I wanna fuck you. You wanna fuck me?" she asks him.

"Let's go to sleep,"

"Buhh I'm not sleepy. Can we just talk?"

"Sure. Whatchu wanna talk about?" He asks as he gets her changed and into bed.

"I love you Shawnie. So fucking much but I'm scared," this catches him off guard. He knows she won't remember telling him any of this in the morning but it catches his attention.

"What are you scared of ma?"

"That you'll leave me and won't want me anymore,"

"I won't leave you. I will always want you,"

"But you don't know that for certain,"

"I do. I'm an ass but I love you too,"

"Prove it. What's my favorite color?"


"What's my favorite movie,"

"Dangerous Day,"(not a real movie. I don't think)

"I just don't trust you right now. Can you be patient with me?"

"Always. After the shit I put you through I don't expect you to ever forgive me but I'll be here kissing your feet and hugging you letting you know that I'm here. Forever this time," he gave her a sweet kiss on her lips before she fell asleep in his arms.

Hello my dear readers......told yah that I'd try to have it up and lookie here it's up. 😘😁👸🏽Happy Reading ....

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