Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

DeShawn looks over at Kiahah and smiles at her. "Let me put this on you so your cuts won't get infected," he said as he opened the ointment the doctor gave him for when she woke up. "Your cuts were cleaned when we got here but I need to reapply the ointment every four hours, okay?"

"That's fine Shawn. I don't think that you're gonna rape me. It's not rape if I like it. And I'm pretty sure I'll like it if it's you," she replied back with a smirk on her lips. He looked at her and smiled before moving to the edge of the bed so he could remove to covers and her hospital gown. He started talking as he applied the cream.

"KiNahah called. I told her I was going to let you call her once you woke up," he told her.

"Okay. Pass me the phone, please," he gave her his phone and let her call her sister.

"Shawn? Is she okay?" Strawberry's worried voice answered.

"Yes, I'm fine, baby. How are you?"

"Kia! I miss you!" She said as she started sobbing into the phone.

"Don't cry baby. I'm right here. Talk to me. What did you do today?"

"Well um Kalebcameandgotmeandwewenttoaspaacrosstownforafewhoursandhetookmeoutforpizza," she rushed out.

"Who is Kaleb?"

"My friend from school,"

"That lil boy?"


"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah Kia. He's so sweet,"

"Well that's good. You do realize that I still need to meet him, correct?"

"Of course Kia,"

"Alright, Strawberry. Let me talk to my babies," she said.

"Mwommy!!!" Kiahah heard two small voices shriek into the phone

"Hey babies,"

"Where you awt mwommy?" DeShawn asked.

"Mommy is with daddy,"

"When you cwoming bwack?" DeShawnie asked.

"In a few days,"

"Is Dah-daddy twaking cware of you?" Shawn questioned.

"Yes baby. Daddy is taking good care of me. Look I love you but you need to get in the bed. Mommy will call in the morning,"

"Alright. We luhh you too mommy," they replied before disconnecting the call. DeShawn finished applying the cream on her cuts and sat beside her in the chair. He heard Kiahah shuffling and looked over at her to see what she needed.

"Can you get up here with me?" she asked. He nodded enthusiastically before climbing in the bed with her and pulled her close to him. As soon as they got comfortable, DeShawn listened to her breathing. When it evened out he then fell asleep.

🌞The Next Morning 🌄

Kiahah tries to stretch but her muscles are too stiff so she just turns around and looks at DeShawn, who's never been an early riser, and notices the bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in years. She leans up and kisses his lips and his nose. She sees his lips twitch into a smile and he mumbles.

"Ki Ki. It's to early for you to be being freaky, ma," he tells her. She smiles at him as his eyes flutter open. He pecks her lips softly before getting up and looking for the nurse to see when she could be discharged. While he was out a deputy came in to question Kiahah.

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