Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

✌🏽️Two Weeks Later ✌🏽

Kiahah and DeShawn were laying on the couch when DeShawnie jumped on them and started her usual rambling.

"Daddy, when is you-," she started but was interrupted by her mother.

"Are you, Shawnie, it's are you," she spoke quietly.

"Daddy, when are you taking mama to the moobies and dwinner?" She asked while smiling largely at her mother.

"Um, we don't have time or a babysitter," Kiahah responded for him.

"But auntie Starburst could babysit us and you could do it Saturday when we is," Shawnie paused, "we are all here and but daddy promised causie he said Shawn could getty a lil brother or sister after y'all goes to the moobies and dwinner," she finished with an adorable pout on her face. Kiahah arched one of her eyebrows at DeShawn while he refused to make eye contact with her.

"Yeah. That's perfect, princess except mommy and daddy can't mak—get your little brother in one night," he told his little girl.

"I know it gotta bwake after you pwut the ingrewient in, kinda like a cake, but a baby, a baby cake," she replied with a roan that suggested that she was far from stupid.

"You act just like your fucking—I mean freaking mother," Shawnie rolled her eyes but didn't reply but instead started pleading with her mother. DeShawn thought she looked just like Kiahah when she ever she said something that she thought should change Kiahah's mind.

"Fine Shawnie but Strawberry is in charge and if she calls me then we will head home that instant. You understand me little girl?" Kiahah finally said just to get her daughter to be quiet and get off that subject.

"Otay mommy we is-," she paused, "are gonna be bery bery bery good,"

"You better. Now go get your little brother so we can get dinner started please little missy,"

"Otay mommy," she replies as she runs up the stairs ecstatic to tell DeShawn Jr. about his new brother.

"Really a little brother? What the fuck were you thinking. We can barely handle the two we have and you're already planning for more. You're fucking delusional,"

"Stop yelling. The kids are upstairs,"


"Listen. I had to tell them something Ki Ki. You were missing FUCKING MISSING. All they were doing was crying their eyes out so I made them that promise,"

"And what? You don't intend to keep it. They will keep asking. They are not fucking stupid DeShawn. They are quite intelligent and will want to know why mommy hasn't had their little brother. You shouldn't make promises you can't deliver on. But what do I expect you did this shit six years ago,"

"You knew what you got yourself into and you chose to take the path you did. That's not my fucking fault Kiahah,"

"Yeah it's not but now you wanna come in here and assume you can just up and play house. You can go back to Tallah's cheating ass and continue to play perfect family with her!"

"You must forgot that you were my side chick. And that you were the one that got pregnant by a man that wasn't ever yours and kept the children. Are you some type of masochist? Did you really torture yourself for five years thinking that I was coming back for? Be real if that shit with Ta Ta never happened I would still be where I was and it was not with you or your children," he finished only to see Kiahah running out of the house. She got into her car and drove off. "Shit. KiNahah can you watch the twins. I'll be back in a bit,"

"Sure, Shawn," came her reply. Little did DeShawn know that DeShawnie heard the entire conversation.

Kiahah was driving with tears in her eyes. "You're so stupid. He's the same asshole he was five years ago," mumbling to herself she took her eyes off the rode. "It's Tallah he wants not you. It's her kids he wants not yours and it would do you some good to remember that shit," she starts swerving and sees a pair of headlights coming for. She can't control the car. CRASH! Kiahah's car is completely dismantled by a large 18 wheeler. Her motionless body is trapped in the car under the seatbelt.

DeShawn sees blue and red headlights and people all around him are telling him that there had been a very bad accident involving a woman and an 18 wheeler. He fears that it's Kiahah; he gets out of the car and approaches the ambulance and sees them trying to pull her body from the impacted metal of the car.

"Miss. Miss. If you can hear me say something, groan, make a noise," everyone listened and listened but there was no sound. DeShawn walked closer to the scene as they finally got her body from the car and said three words that crashed his world, "There's no pulse,"

(*She's dead. The end!*

*not the end? Is she dead?*)

"No no no no no no," DeShawn said, "that's not possible,"

"Are you family?" One of the ambulance service people asked him.

"Her fiancé,"

"Well we're gonna take her into the hospital," DeShawn nodded and walked back to his car and drove home.

"Where's Kia," comes a slow voice upon his entrance.

"At the hospital,"

"Why are you always putting my sister in the hospital ?"

"Get the twins and let's go,"

The chapter after the one after this one is probably going to be the last chapter of the book but I'm doing an epilogue and two spin off stories. Maybe three I haven't decided yet but it probably will be just the two. Can I twelve votes and just two comments please?? Me will update quicker. Maybe not this quick but quicker than my last update👸🏽😁🙃

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