Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

📆Later That Week. Like Wednesday 📅

"Bae, can you go get some stuff from the store for me while I finish some stuff for work?" DeShawn asked Kiahah who was sitting on the couch. She rolled her eyes playfully at him before nodding.

"Yeah. You gotta list or something?" She asked back.

"Yeah ma. Here you go. Thanks baby,"

"Imma pick up your ugly kids on the way back okay?" It was DeShawn's turn to roll his eyes.

"Now you know good and damn well that my kids or any children I have the power of producing aren't ugly, will never be ugly, and never have been ugly. Even if I gotta ugly baby momma like you. I still can make them kids look fucking good bae," Kiahah walked over to him and smacked him on the chest while getting his list and started to leave out. "I love you Ki Ki." Kiahah walked out with a smile on her face. She got in her car and drove to the grocery store. She begins to pick up all the stuff on his list and notices that he must be planning to cook or something. Before she got to the checkout line something cold and hard was pressed against her back.

"Listen bitch. If you move I will shoot you okay?" He laughs when she nods. "Okay now walk towards the door whore," he pulls her into his side but the gun was pressing into her side as well so it looks as though they're a happy couple and they're just walking together. She walks quietly towards the door and begins to calculate who this could be or who he could be working with. They walk to a black car and he throws her in and blindfolds her. She is scared now. What is he planning on doing with her?

It seems like an eternity later when the car pulls to a stop. He grabs her by the hair and she shrieks and her eyes begin to water.

"Scream bitch. Scream. Nobody can hear you. Well at lest nobody who cares," he says with laughter evident in his voice. Kiahah's mind travels to Donny. It has to be him. He's the only one who loves hearing her scream. She feels herself being pushed down some stairs and the action is followed by some deep dark chuckles. "Tie her up. If she talks well you know what to do. I'll be down in a few hours and we'll go over everything," Kiahah listens to the voice and decides it's not Donny's voice. She feels another pair of hands pull her by the hair. She screams from the pain. The person slaps her.

"Shut the Fuck up bitch. You're getting on my nerves," a feminine voice says.

"Where am I?" The woman begins to tie her hands behind her back and her ankles together. Once she was satisfied with her work she punched Kiahah in the face. Then she punched her in the stomach. "Why?" Kiahah asked in a broken voice. The woman laughs and proceeds to punch her in the face and stomach.

🔆Back at the House 🏡

DeShawn has started to get worried it's been two hours since Kiahah left and he knows it doesn't take two hours to go to the store and pick up their children. He's called her phone twelve times and texted her twenty seven. This isn't like her to not call. His phone rings. He answers without hesitation.

"Hello," he says in a desperate voice.

"Mr. Martin, someone needs to come and get DeShawn and DeShawnie," a lady replied.

"Okay. I'm on my way," he hung up. She didn't get the kids? Where the fuck is she? He thought before heading out of the door. He drives to the daycare and calls everyone from her brother to Naya to the grocery store. When he gets the children he goes by the grocery store and sees Kiahah's car in the parking lot he is beyond worried. He takes the children home and calls the police station.

"I would like to report a kidnapping," DeShawn said into the phone.

"Has the person been missing for twenty four hours?" The lady replied.

"You mean to FUCKING tell me that I have to wait twenty four FUCKING hours or until she's fucking dead so you can do something about it? Bye. I'll take care of it myself. And when I call back you might wanna send eight to ten FUCKING body bags cause I'm not with that waiting and see what happens shit. A lot can happen in twenty-four FUCKING hours!!" He yelled then hung up the phone. He walks back in the house and sees three panicked faces.

"Where's mommy?"

"Where's Kia?" They all asked in unison.

"Um. I'm not sure but I'm gonna find out and Imma get her back so I don't want any of you to worry. Everything is gonna be normal as though she's still here okay?" They each nodded. "Okay. KiNahah can you get the twins ready for bed?"

"Sure," she says in a small voice. "We haven't eaten though,"

"Right. I forgot. Um. Whatchu want?"

"I want some chips," says little DeShawnie

"I want whatever Shawnie want," DeShawn Jr. declares.

"I'm not really hungry so I'll just get a shower while you get them some food. Okay," KiNahah said in a depressed tone. He nodded and asked the twins what chips.

👉🏾Back to Kiahah 👈🏾

Kiahah hears foot steps coming down the stairs and immediately gets nervous what if they hit her again. She feels the blindfold being ripped off her face. She looks up and is shocked at the person she sees.

"Johnny? Why?" She asks with disbelief in her voice.

"Shut up! This is how this is gonna go. On Friday I'm going to tie you to this bed right here and fuck the shit out if you then I'm going to torture you and slowly kill you. The fun part is in going to record the entire thing starting with the torture and ending with the torture. I've already recorded the beginning now look in the camera and say help me," he says with a smile looking back into the camera.

Kiahah looked up into the camera and said, "DeShawn. Baby when you see this. KILL HIM. I love you too," Jonathan looked at her and smiled before punching her in the face then the eye then the stomach.

"Yeah. Kill me. After I kill your bitch," he spat at the camera before taking a knife and cutting off her pants and walking behind her and spread her legs for the camera then taking the knife and cut deep into the skin on her thigh and laughed as she screamed.

Damn he's evil..... what an hope you enjoy you think Shawn will save her?....lots of loveee 😍👸🏽😁

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