Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Kiahah woke up the next morning smiling. She stretched although her muscles were sore. She recalled all the ways DeShawn brought her to climax last night. His fingers, his mouth, his amazing tongue, and that wonderful dick brought her to heights that she felt five years ago. She slowly climbed out of the bed so she wouldn't wake up DeShawn. She went to the bathroom to get a quick shower before going to get her babies.

DeShawn wakes up and feels around for Kiahah so he could make love to her one more time before starting the day. He looks around the room and doesn't see her. Then he hears the shower going. He goes and takes a short shower in the bathroom next door. When he entered the room he saw Kiahah getting dressed. Stretch marks were never really a turn on to him but looking at them beautifully designed across her thighs, butt, and the sides of  her stomach he realizes that they are more attractive than he originally thought. He walks quietly to her and takes the lotion from her and begins to trail it down her legs. She moaned at the contact and knew if he didn't stop soon they would continue their adventure from last night. As much as she loves, DeShawn she's ready to see her babies again.

"Let me go. I gotta get my babies," she said struggling against him.  He finally let her finish getting dressed. Once she finished, they drove to Naya's house. DeShawn knocked on the door and KiNahah answered.

"Hey Shawn, where's K-," she was cut off by Shawnie running to her dad.

"DADDDYY!!! Where's my mommy mista," she shrieked at him. He smiled as he picked her up and pointed behind him to where Kiahah was walking up to the porch.

"Mwammmyyy!!" DeShawn Jr. screamed as he ran to Kiahah. "Mama, I missied you sooooo much," Kiahah crouched down to pick him up and kissed his head.

"I missed you too baby boy," she smiled at him. "Let's get inside," she replied as she gives Naya a hug. "Thank you so much for taking care of my babies,"

"They're my nephew and niece. Plus I love KiNahah like my own little sister," she told her.

"Well we're gonna get home," DeShawn told his sister. "Where's D?"

"He doesn't live here. He was only here cause I needed some help with a leak and he stayed late and I didn't want him crashing cause he was sleepy," Naya explained to her brother

"I don't care if y'all are fucking. Just know I will hurt both of you if y'all don't get married and have some babies," he said.

"We aren't 'fucking' as you so crudely put it. I'm not a fuck and duck chick,"

"I know that. I love you little sister. I'll call you later," DeShawn said trying to calm his sister's nerves. She grumbles put a goodbye. They head home without being bombarded with any questions. When they entered the house, the twins ran to their rooms. KiNahah stood awkwardly as Kiahah and DeShawn came in the house.

"Strawberry? Are you okay?" Kiahah asked her with a concerned expression.

"Um, yeah, can we talk,"

"I'll leave you two alon-," DeShawn starts.

"No, I want you here too," she said. DeShawn nodded and they sat down on the couch, "okay, well, I've been thinking about what you told me Shawn. About seeing a professional and I've decided that it might be a good idea, but before I do that I wanna see mommy and daddy so I can get closure," she said slowly. She watched as Kiahah processed what she just said. Taking a deep breath, Kiahah responds.

"They're all the way in North Carolina. How about this, you go se this therapist person and for Christmas break I'll take you to see them?"

"Okay," she says agreeing.

"Strawberry, go to your room please I need to talk to DeShawn alone," Kiahah tells her sister.

"Okay," replies as she heads up the stairs.

"I guess I'll go call her," DeShawn says.

"Her?" Kiahah says teasing him. He scratches the back of his head.

"Um, yeah, I think she'll be more comfortable with a female rather than a dude, bae," he explains.

"Sure, how many male therapists do you have in your phone?"

"Zero," he responds cheekily.

"As I thought. Go call her and I'll discuss a payment plan with her,"

"Alright," he says dialing the number. After Kiahah finished with the phone call they took all of the children out to eat.

Hello lovelies. Can I get seven votes on this chapter👍🏽 and two comments and I'll update quicker. I promise. Hope you like it. 😁👸🏽

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