Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

When the ambulance made it to the hospital they began immediate tests on Kiahah. DeShawn is looking around feeling completely helpless. He calls Naya.

"So. Is she okay?" She answers. He knows how close Kiahah is to Naya.

"They're running some test now. She passed out at the scene," he told her leaving out the part of her shooting people.

"Strawberry wants to talk to you," DeShawn hears alittle shuffling then, "where's Kia?"

"We're at the hospital. She's sleeping,"

"Is my sister gonna die?"

"No! No, she's going to be fine,"

"When can I come see her?"

"I'll have her call you, okay?"


"I promise baby girl. Where's my babies?"


"When they get up tell them daddy loves them and mommy is okay,"

"Alright DeShawn," then the line disconnected. He looks over at her and sees the IV in her arm and waits for her to wake up. The doctor said that she didn't go into a comatose so she should wake up in ten minutes to two hours. He looks at her and smiles. 'She's strong,' he thinks. He knows she won't let anything happen to her babies. The police officer came in.

"Is she awake?"

"No, not yet," DeShawn tells him.

"I need to know what happened before we got there because there is a guy who's in a serious condition. He's lucky to be alive," the officer tells him.

"You're telling me this shit because? She's lucky to be alive! He SHOULD be dead! So miss me with that bullshit," DeShawn tells him.

"Why are you being disrespectful?"

"Look you came in here talking shit to me about what happened. I called the fucking police station and y'all told that I had to wait twenty four hours until you would do something so wait until they're stable and get a fucking story from their asses. Now if you can't tell she's still fucking sleep so you can come back later and she might be willing to talk to you," the officer nods and walks out of the room.

"Hey baby. Look wake up cause I need to kiss you," DeShawn tells her. He feels her hands grasp his tightly. DeShawn looks down with wide eyes and sees her beautiful brown eyes open. She looks over at him and smiles.

"You look like shit," she tells him with a smile. She tries to sit up. DeShawn looks at her and feels nothing but love for her even though she's all banged up and bruised.

"Hey baby girl," he says with tears filling his eyes, "I thought I lost you. You lost a lot of blood but you're good," as if on cue the doctor walks in.

"Ms. Reese you are very much okay. There was a little pressure left on head that we were concerned about but it was nothing major just a small concussion. There were major cut wounds on your body but none of them were severely deep. The rape test were negative and you have no STDs or STIs. We are going to give you some medicine to help the swelling go down and stop any pain you may have," he said before giving her the medicine and walking out.

I know it's super short but it's all I had right now and I felt as though you deserved an update. 😁👸🏽

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