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That was the word used to describe the remanants of the trial. Or rather the room that Yui previously inhabited.

Key word: previously

What was left was more like chops of deer or elk, and that's being polite.

Sadly the poor survivor that stumbled upon the remanants of the scene was...traumatised to say the least.

But importantly, this has sparked an important emotion within the then decimated survivor.


Hope that there was a way to get the new kid back and hope for a rescue. They just had to plan it all over again with a few back-up plans and most importantly, luck.

Side note: R.I.P to them salty lip jars

A few failed attempts and missed windows of opportunities didn't even deter this new-found hope that occupied the very essence of the campfire.

And something that wasn't unnoticed by spider god, for a feast is in play soon.

Waking up to being coated in viscera and hugged by your new found protector/totally-not-crush would be an odd experience for anyone.

'Cept maybe phsyco killers

So that was a wake up call, followed by a few minutes of confused silent screams.

One could only hope for an explanation this early

I thought

Still worser ways to wake up

Gently moving your weight from your oversized, fleshy blanket you took in more of the viscera, suspecting Anna hadn't cleaned up her fresh meat properly.

That's what you would've thought.

If there wasn't a finger and a pink armband just sitting there in a rancid realisation.

"Oh fuck no"

Panic was suddenly setting in as you realised exactly what or rather who you were coated in. The next few moments were a blur, from trying to run away from this sudden fear induced haze to suddenly slipping on a particularly moist patch of blood.

You could only ponder on what decisions led you here as you made your way to the floor. Blacking out in a noise akin to a coconut hitting a rock

Yet another chapter, wooooii. Don't say its bad, i know it is. Its 12am and i want sleep, okay? Okay
Clocking out

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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