Chapter 2

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*Many years ago*

"Do not wonder too far!"


I start my walk down the village as I do and ignore the stares from various people.

You don't see many young Asgardians wandering around without their guardians. However, it's not completely uncommon.

No, for the stares I receive are for completely different reasons. One I wish wasn't so obvious once looking at me.

I always walk amongst the village to explore and gather food for myself and my aunt Eloise.

I don't always stay within the village though.

I wander into the field that is near the grand palace where the king resides.

It is left vacant so I take my place there to practice my magic.

My aunt doesn't want me practicing it at such a young age. Though she always says she'll teach me once I'm older, She never follows through.

This has led me to teach myself. Which isn't the easiest thing when I have no idea where to start.

The only thing I have learned is to focus on an idea or thought. To clear my mind and focus on that specific thing or place. With that, I have learned to conjure certain things or places. However, I am not strong enough. I can only hold it for a couple of seconds before it completely disappears.

It's always a frustrating moment. No matter how hard I try.

It seems to be the same with levitating. I can only do it for a specific amount of time until I can't anymore and I collapse looking like a fool.

I know I can conjure and I can levitate. I'm not sure what else I can do. However, I know I'm more powerful. I can feel it and judging by the little I've been told of my mother from my aunt. She was very powerful.

My aunt loves to tell me that although she was very strong she didn't do much with her powers. Hence why it's a waste of time for me to worry so much. That we have greater warriors, gods, and a king that will fight for us when we need it. That it's not so important but when I pester her repeatedly she doesn't shy away from giving me some hope.

That hope has led to nothing so far though. So many years and I'm tired of waiting which has led me here.

"Come on. Focus," I tell myself as I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

After about ten minutes I huff in defeat and choose to stop and lay back on the grass.

I look up at the pink sky and wonder if my mother would've taught me.

I lay there feeling defeated when I hear something.

It was the grass. It sounded like someone was walking by and when I sat up I felt my heart in my throat.

I see what looks like a tiger not too far away from me.

My eyes widen as I watch in shock wondering where in the world it came from as it comes closer.

I start to panic and wish I was more than capable of using my powers right about now.

I start to scoot away carefully and slowly as it comes running and growling.

I take off running which is probably a horrible idea considering I'm in the middle of a field. Miles from anyone at all.

I hear it closer and before I know it, it tackles me.

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