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Chapter Fourteen ~ Long time no see

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Chapter Fourteen ~ Long time no see

Harry Hook having been chased by Jay drove through the streets of the isle at a rapid speed. He threw his head back in a laugh as adrenaline pumped through his veins. This was the most fun he had had in a long time.

If he were really to think about it the last time he truly had fun had been the fight where he, Uma and the crew had fought against Mal and her wee  group of friends, but even then he had been left filled with rage at the fact he had let the Pan girl slip through his fingers.

He had to admit he was rather disappointed when he couldn't see her with the rest of her friends when he had stolen the bike. Only because he wanted to get revenge...of course.

She took his beloved sword which caused Harry to slip even deeper into his frenzied rage. He needed it back and to do that he had to see the girl again.

He shook his head to rid himself of thoughts about the girl. He had thought about her a lot since she revealed her true identity to him. Well, he didn't know her first name but he didn't care, he often found himself wondering what it was though.

He had lost Jay by now, the son of jafar not being able to keep up with the speed of the bike and Harry cackled.

He found Gil who had also stole a bike but had dismounted it and was standing watching Mal and her friends walk towards the barrier to leave. Harry moved his dark rimmed eyes to watch the group walk forwards, from Carlos to Mal to Evie, Celia to Jay- he stopped. His eyes halting on the final dainty figure. There she was walking closely next to Jay who had his arm around her. Harry narrowed his eyes.

Harry didn't say anything to Gil about the girl being the daughter of Peter Pan. She was his little secret. Only Uma knew but she had been gone for weeks now. Harry was starting to lose hope of ever seeing his captain again.

Harry noticed the girl was wearing clothes that stood out on the isle, making her look undoubtedly like an auradon girl. Her white dress and cropped blue cardigan were spotless unlike his own sleeveless leather jacket, vest and trousers.

She had pretty little ribbons in her hair like the one he had taken from her the last time he had seen her. His fingers fiddled with the soft fabric that had been in his pocket since he took it as he continued to watch them, or more specifically her, walk through the barrier.

He punched Gil in the arm to catch the boys attention and gestured for the boy to follow him. The small circle in barrier was beginning to close but before it could Harry and Gil jumped through it.

He looked to Gil who looked just as happy as he did and the two boys hugged each other excitedly. Harry couldn't believe his plan had actually worked!

Jay pulled Philomena behind his back to shield her from Harry's view, unbeknownst to the both of them that Harry was well aware of her presence and intended to make that very known.

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