4. Bee movie script

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You and your father had no idea when the work even started so you both just went to bed after the long and tiring day you just had all because of a game show banana. No one would literally even believe the injuries you suffered were from a literal dancing banana who sang the hit song "peanut butter jelly time. "

But before you went to bed you microwaved the takeaway from yesterday and ate it on the couch watching the T. V to eventually find about the silly person who fell asleep on set! You sigh switching the channels over and over eventually groaning in agony, giving up and going to sleep on the couch as you were too lazy to move from your natural habitat.

Curling on the couch pillows and blankets you had a dream. A dream were you actually had friends 💀. (You inherited your whole personality from your bean dad I swear-)

You hugged your pillow and drooled on it embarrassingly. But who am I to judge?


"AAAAAAAAA" Went a random as bird outside your house. "Ughh." You shuffle and groan uncomfortably, your face twisting and contorting deciding if it was better to stay in the dream than deal with this kelpspawn of a bird.

"Ughh... SHUT UP BIRD! " You say instinctively say every morning, as you throw a shoe at it also every morning through your open window right above the couch.

You hear sizzling somewhere and see your dad and dancing banana chat in your kitchen. They. Heard. Everything.

Your dad didn't really care as he also did the same but on weekends and it was a Friday. He was sizzling some patties because he really, really, liked burgers. While the dancing banana just sat on the table in a laid back and casual manner. He was swiping through his phone (modelled after himself). But you could tell he was a little surprised.

Dancing banana heard shuffling, the sound of you approaching. "Ah! My favorite contestant? How goes the bird silencing? " He chuckles.

"K." You say not wanting to small talk with the banana. But sadly the kitchen seats were right besides the fridge. So you didn't bother getting your morning water.

"Here foods ready." Your dad tiredly says in his pink apron as you get your food.

"Thanks dad. " You whisper, he just smiles back.

"Here's your food Mr. Banana sir. " He said also giving him a burger. "And here's my food. " He says as he grabs five burgers and puts them onto his gigantic plate. Dancing bananas face was certainly flabbergasted on how much food your father could eat on one sitting...

Your father sat with the dancing banana so you grudgingly sat with him as well as you never miss daughter and father bonding time. "So what are you doing here Mr. Banana?" You muttered. He still scrolled and swiped on his phone while listening. "Don't call me Mr. Banana please." You sigh "Ughh fine. " you say as you took your burger to the couch in secretly embarrassed.

The banana still kept scrolling at his phone dismissively.

He really is different from his game show when he isn't preforming as it's host. You ponder eating your burger. Looking at him scroll annoyingly at his phone.

"Ugh, they're still searching for me. " the banana mutters. Your dad looks at him confused "Who is looking for you?"

The banana jumped up in his seat.

"Uhh my beloved fans are! " He chirped, nervously adjusting his bow tie.

"Riiighhtt." You say over hearing the conversation.

¡I DON'T TRUST THE BANANA! (FemReaderBean x Dancing Banana) Where stories live. Discover now